Blowing Smoke

So, who is John Catsimatidis and why is he threatening bloggers?

Let me start by telling you who he isn’t:  John Catsimatidis isn’t the one who is usually credited with cleaning anything up.  He’s an archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, and a member of the Faith Endowment, which has been around at least as long as the corruption.  If there were a billionaire’s club, he’d qualify for membership in that, as well, as his REAL TIME NET WORTH is $3.3B. as of 2/17/20, according to Forbes.

This week Catsimatidis shared with The National Herald that he is “suing certain slanderous bloggers on the internet for spreading false information about him, the Archbishop, and the Archdiocese.  He said he is ‘going against ‘one in Florida and one in New York for ten million dollars each.  He made clear that he is going to go all the way. He has hired the top lawyers and he is going to pay all the legal fees personally. He said that the lawsuits will be filed within a week or two.”

He would be an idiot to go against a blogger who is an attorney, as he runs the real risk of a countersuit, where the documents in question could be requested through discovery.  That would be the last thing the archons would want.

It is also difficult to demonstrate a blogger, any blogger, has met the legal definition of slander or libel, especially with a public figure.

The bloggers in question have substantial evidence proving there is wide-spread corruption in the GOA and in some cases, who is behind it.   Like the rest of us, they’re just looking for answers, folks.  No one is attempting to slander anyone; however, if John Catsimatidis turns out to deserve honorable mention, that’s on him.   

So why is John Catsimatidis blowing smoke to scare off bloggers?    

Because it’s simony, folks.  This stuff is so dirty it’s hard to believe.  It’s all about awards and entitlements and too few of the archons (as in none) are willing to blow the whistle to protect the Church.  The higher up you go up in the food chain, the less likely they are to expose anything and Catsimatidis is about as high as you can go.


Catsimatidis Will Take Legal Action Against Slanderous Bloggers


  1. Thanks be to God that this is all being brought to light and hopefully bring about a much needed investigation. God works in mysterious ways so you never know. 
    Hopefully our one saving grace is that we can ACTUALLY possibly do something about it unlike what has happened in Roman Catholicism. We shall see what is decided in the meeting in Jordan 

    • Gail Sheppard says

      The problem with Jordan is it can be dismissed because not everyone is going to be at the table.

      • George Michalopulos says

        True, but it will still be to the good IMHO. Why? Because the EP has inserted chaos into the Church because of what he did in Ukraine and what he is attempting to do in Macedonia and Montenegro (and who knows where else?).

        As such, the only way to draw a line in the sand and push back is with other Churches getting together. If that means more chaos, then so be it.

        BTW, that’s one reason why Trump’s a successful president. He is a master disrupter. There is no reason to “be presidential” and play along with the Deep State. The Churches which are planning to meet in Jordan are unwittingly perhaps, taking a page from his playbook.

        In the final analysis, the EP’s machinations must be stopped, not merely because they are uncanonical and completely out of step with proper Orthodox phronema but because he’s doing the will of the EU/NATO axis. Which if we know nothing at all, is completely in opposition to Orthodoxy.

        • George are u aware that bartholomaios is planning to demote the Metropolitans to bishops,  with no discussion,  just a despotic act!?  Now if USA needs Metropolitans is surely up to the local american church. This is a plan to give elpidophoros as much power as possible.  
          They have also hobbled Nicholas of Denver partially.  Disgusting. 
          George when are people going to stand up to these corrupt phanariotes?   How long are greek Americans going to allow this to happen?    If the people allow this to carry on THEN THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE. 

          • Greatly Saddened says

            Hopefully, the Patriarch will perhaps be smart enough and cancel his scheduled upcoming trip to his largest and most financially supportive eparchy!

            He has created and caused enough upheaval here in the U.S., since becoming Patriarch!

      • On the other hand that table will represent about 60% of the total Orthodox population. Isn’t that a real majority?

        • Gail Sheppard says

          It’s kind of like having a quorum. If everybody isn’t there, a vote doesn’t count. They can come out with a united request for a true pan-meeting, but individually, they’ve already done that.

    • Appalling. I worked a life time in NHS.  
      ALL HAVE A RIGHT TO CARE, what ever their views.  I am appalled.  Yes people seeking none urgent care who are physically and vetbally abusive,  not related to medical state, should face penalty.  BUT that people should be denied care for expressing a view, no matter how I might disagree? , then NO, that is a slippery slope down which we go at our peril.  Obviously if someone is abusing a staff member re their sexual orientation,  obviously that is wrong and should be condemned.  But for politely expressing or holding a view???     

      • Linda Albert says

        To every member of the GOA, whether c!ergy or lay. Walk away. Just walk away. Contact the OCA, contact the Antiochian Church of America. Contact ROCAR The Body of Christ is not baklava, ethnic dancing, Greek language of some other nostalgia for the old country. Find a group of Orthodox Christians who love God and understand what it is to be His witness in this world.

  2. Speaking of Archons…check out this video. The famous Fordhamite modernist and Archon extraordinaire, George Demacopolous, is speaking at an Archon retreat in Florida. Tune in from 37:50 to about 40:00 (it will save you the torture of listening to most of his presentation). He says that there are whisperings of the OCA going under the EP. He also says the only solution for a united Orthodox Church in America is for all jurisdictions to be under the EP. George gets his marching orders from the top….so this is very interesting…and disturbing.

    • Well is this guy going to sue  the archbishop in Denver?? After all he has repeated all this ‘slander’ in public and its been out on the net . Can we expect bishop Nicholas  to be taking a holiday in Alaska soon.?  
      I want to say that yesterday here in Bulgaria was a national day to remember Vassili Levski, martyr in war of liberation from Turkish yoke and the atrocities in 1878 and author and poet.  He and many others were hanged in mass hanging by turks. 
      It was good to see lots of school children putting flowers on his monument and celebration of day. And all over country.
      This is what the globalist  hate,  any manifistation of love for one’s history and struggle and faith. They understanding nothing but money.  Empty, empty people.   
      We attended the main memorial in St Nedezhda ( Hope) Cathedral in Sofia, the Patriarchal seat. Patriarch Neophyt was there and at monument in main Sq and as always,  we were moved by his simplicity,  his humility, which is obvious.  Just standing  alone, no throng of clergy etc with him, with head bowed holding candle. 
      He was before elevation,  the  very active Bishop of Ruse, on the Danube.  Sadly he is very ill, and one can only imagine the almost daily  american pressure on him to confirm to the Ukrainian scenario. But here in Bulgaria the President is pro -Russian and roots go deep.  
      Sadly in Greece the anniversary of 200 yrs from revolution of 1821 is shaping up to be a globalist dream. The official emblem will be what can be described as a scarff in form of a 2 wrapped around the 1.  I presume to make (18) 21?   No Bay leaf as is greek tradition AND NO CROSS.   The emblem of the revolt was always Bay leaf and in middle a Cross.   How sad this is that we have come down to, a logo u might see on the back of a pack of feta cheese.  Ha.  In Uk last year on packs of greek produce Liddl, the supermarket chain, removed the Cross on Church in island scene on wrapping,  SO AS NOT TO OFFEND ANY ONE.
      Well,  back to the sewar, Mr Katsamidis  can sue us all and bishop Nicholas.  
      There should be a USA wide  boycott of bartholomaios visit. No one turning up from people at services, at occassions and refusing to give money.  This IS EASY TO DO. He should be met by Silence..
      it turns out business as usual all I can say is that you barbarian peasants should stay on yr knees, and suck it up and pass the tray around.   And all this money suddenly washing around for a vanity project.  Do not peopke understand that THIS is the actual obscenity??.  That how far from the ideal of Christ and early Christianity, have they fallen?, that they do not even see any more.  They have changed the religion into a worship of Hellenism as understanding by right wing politicians and Phanar who always in cahoots.  George LET ME TELL U THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MITSOTAKIS AND TSIPRAS IS THAT TSIPRAS WAS NOT A HYPOCRITICAL FARCE  when it came to religion.  He was honest
      The sight of greek politicians with  pretensions to be devout in public ( although actually they just stand and never Cross themselves even)  is what sickens and turns people away, me included. Tsipras was breath of fresh air in this respect. 

    • Solitary Priest says

      Well, if my OCA parish goes under Constantinople, I walk. With or without my flock. It’s bad enough the OCA is still in communion with the EP.

    • Rumors and whispering are just that…rumors and whispering. For the OCA to go under the EP, it would require a vote being taken on it at an (OCA) All-American Church Council. See how that one flies.

      • Gail Sheppard says

        The rumors might stop if the OCA would step back a little. Met. Tikhon can meet with him all he wants but these joint statements on the GOA website make it look like they intend to operate. . . well, JOINTLY! And then you’ve got Elpi taking the message even further by word of mouth.

        • You’re correct! Statements like ‘St. Vladimir’s working more closely with Holy Cross… .’ I don’t want any OCA seminary to get pulled down the drain with a sinking institution like Holy Cross Seminary! I know that Met. Tikhon wants to work more closely with other Orthodox bodies, but let’s face it…Arch Elpi is just using him, and the OCA!

    • Love how he says the OCA is “theoretically” the 15th jurisdiction – and the “new Ukrainian Church is the 16th.” But then admits the EP has no national constituency, only 3,000 believers in a country of 80 million. So he should just appropriate another country to get a constituency? Speaking as an American convert to Orthodoxy, this is NOT what I signed up for and I find his statements highly offensive.As I’ve said here before, I’m not bothered by different jurisdictions in the US, especially as some of them are going in the direction, it appears, of moral relativism on issues like homosexuality. I fled that garbage in other Christian denominations, and hardly want to be forced under the oversight of one of the more morally lax ones.Frankly, US Orthodoxy should be working towards becoming our own patriarchate – or better, two or three regional patriarchates, given we are so big.

      • Gail Sheppard says

        Hey, I hear you, Theo. It’s not what I signed up for either.

        • Michael Bauman says

          Gail, you only think it is not what you signed up for.

          • Gail Sheppard says

            True, that. But I am an “at will” soul and I will fire any part of the church that fails to line up with traditional Orthodox teaching.

          • A former Socialist Worker of my acquaintance used to delight in saying:
            “What you fail to realise, Comrade, is….”
            He was joking. His former Comrades were not.

    • Mikhail,
      N. B. Demacopolis citing the EP as the only Patriarchate able to represent all the world’s Orthodox precisely because he’s lost all his churches in Turkey. Sure George, makes a lotta sense.
      By the way those whispers about the OCA giving up its autocephaly, they were not whispers but semi-public speech by Abp. Elpidophoros. He said them more than once in front of his clergy though they were reported here as ‘mysterious’.  

      • Gail Sheppard says

        You make a good point, Lance.

      • If the EP was the servant,  he indeed could as delegated by the other churches, speak after discussion on all our behalfs and support Orthodox in none Orthodox areas and so much more as a servent of the Church with authority  LOANED  by the Church.  But he has chose the papal path and can only bestopped if the Church wishes it. But it would seem that our bishops are fearful cowards with Christ way down their diary dates. 

    • Name two OCA Bishops that would support going under the EP.

    • I heard this recently, too, from other sources and jurisdictions. 

    • George D. doesn’t know what he’s talking about and makes no sense. “The EP is the only global canonical jurisdiction.”  Huh?  It only has “global jurisdiction” because that’s the propaganda that’s been spewed forth by Istanbul since the 1920s. Let’s conveniently forget that the Church of Russia is far, far more multinational than C’ple ever was or will be and has far, far more faithful across the globe. 

      I tell you, so many of these “leaders” in the GOA ascribe to a Roman Catholic ecclesiology but don’t even know it. That’s why they’re so comfortable talking about the Patr of C’ple’s “universal or global” jurisdiction, all the while not even realizing that they are espousing and putting forth non-Orthodox beliefs about the Church. 

      George D. makes no convincing argument – he simply says that the “only way” for the Orthodox in America to administratively unite is under C’ple because that’s what the GOA wants and believes?  Well, ok, but there certainly are other possibilities.
      It seems that what he’s really saying is that the GOA would never go along with any other possibility.  Well, just say that and be honest.  We knew that already, anyway.

      So many of these GOA leaders truly seem to miss the good ol’ Cold War days when the rest of the Orthodox world was behind the iron curtain and C’ple was the only show in town, as far as free-world-Orthodoxy’s presence to the West.  So tired of C’ple’s continued narcissistic need to force itself onto others in order to justify its own existence.  George D at least let some honesty into his talk – he admitted that C’ple has no flock in Turkey. He should’ve added “and that’s  why they continually work to find flocks elsewhere.”
      I’ve been unnerved lately with respect to how much Abp Elpi seems to be gushed over these days on the website.  In my opinion, Abp Elpi has not earned the right to be honored with deference as an Orthodox hierarch – indeed, in putting forth his non-Orthodox beliefs about “first without equals” with respect to C’ple, he’s rather earned the right to be ignored by the faithful. It certainly concerns me that the OCA leadership seems to be paying him so much heed these days.

      Should the OCA leadership ever agree to submit to C’ple, you’d see mass defections – probably to ROCOR – here in the South, West, and Midwest.  Only in the regions where the OCA is not growing – like maybe in the northeast – could I ever envision some of the OCA even possibly being ok with submission to C’ple. 

      • AB Elpi is the author of “first without equals”.  The GOA is in communion with a group of laymen who are pretending to be hierarchs in Ukraine whose followers are Church raiders and assaulters of elderly women and clergy. And now we have Metropolitan Tikhon cozying up to Elpi at every opportunity. It is extremely unnerving. This makes me really uncomfortable…and I know I’m not the only one.

      • Gail Sheppard says

        RE: “I tell you, so many of these “leaders” in the GOA ascribe to a Roman Catholic ecclesiology but don’t even know it. That’s why they’re so comfortable talking about the Patr of C’ple’s “universal or global” jurisdiction, all the while not even realizing that they are espousing and putting forth non-Orthodox beliefs about the Church.”

        You are so right. I was struck by the same thing listening to this clip.

      • Colorado yes it’s good all the papal cards on table.  U see they work on ‘habituation ‘,  the tendency for something with time to become normalised. Hence the titles repeated often enough.  And as I said before it’s about time that we knew exactly by whom and from where Phanar is financed. My feeling is that the new so called territory ( from Balkan war gains for Greece) foot a large part of bill with Greek government and now USA.  The Sunday local collection won’t keep his highest, his mediocrity, in cuff links!!   😀 

        • Ps. Francis watch out if Bart et al start to look at ‘Magna Graecia ‘,  there won’t be much left for Francis. 

  3. I just want to know who the bloggers are that are being sued!

    • Gail Sheppard says

      My guess: and

    • Well is this guy going to sue  the archbishop in Denver?? After all he has repeated all this ‘slander’ in public and its been out on the net . Can we expect bishop Nicholas  to be taking a holiday in Alaska soon.?  
      I want to say that yesterday here in Bulgaria was a national day to remember Vassili Levski, martyr in war of liberation from Turkish yoke and the atrocities in 1878 and author and poet.  He and many others were hanged in mass hanging by turks. 
      It was good to see lots of school children putting flowers on his monument and celebration of day. And all over country.
      This is what the globalist  hate,  any manifistation of love for one’s history and struggle and faith. They understanding nothing but money.  Empty, empty people.   
      We attended the main memorial in St Nedezhda ( Hope) Cathedral in Sofia, the Patriarchal seat. Patriarch Neophyt was there and at monument in main Sq and as always,  we were moved by his simplicity,  his humility, which is obvious.  Just standing  alone, no throng of clergy etc with him, with head bowed holding candle. 
      He was before elevation,  the  very active Bishop of Ruse, on the Danube.  Sadly he is very ill, and one can only imagine the almost daily  american pressure on him to confirm to the Ukrainian scenario. But here in Bulgaria the President is pro -Russian and roots go deep.  
      Sadly in Greece the anniversary of 200 yrs from revolution of 1821 is shaping up to be a globalist dream. The official emblem will be what can be described as a scarff in form of a 2 wrapped around the 1.  I presume to make (18) 21?   No Bay leaf as is greek tradition AND NO CROSS.   The emblem of the revolt was always Bay leaf and in middle a Cross.   How sad this is that we have come down to, a logo u might see on the back of a pack of feta cheese.  Ha.  In Uk last year on packs of greek produce Liddl, the supermarket chain, removed the Cross on Church in island scene on wrapping,  SO AS NOT TO OFFEND ANY ONE.
      Well,  back to the sewar, Mr Katsamidis  can sue us all and bishop Nicholas.  
      There should be a USA wide  boycott of bartholomaios visit. No one turning up from people at services, at occassions and refusing to give money.  This IS EASY TO DO. He should be met by Silence..
      it turns out business as usual all I can say is that you barbarian peasants should stay on yr knees, and suck it up and pass the tray around.   And all this money suddenly washing around for a vanity project.  Do not peopke understand that THIS is the actual obscenity??.  That how far from the ideal of Christ and early Christianity, have they fallen?, that they do not even see any more.  They have changed the religion into a worship of Hellenism as understanding by right wing politicians and Phanar who always in cahoots.  George LET ME TELL U THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MITSOTAKIS AND TSIPRAS IS THAT TSIPRAS WAS NOT A HYPOCRITICAL FARCE  when it came to religion.  He was honest
      The sight of greek politicians with  pretensions to be devout in public ( although actually they just stand and never Cross themselves even)  is what sickens and turns people away, me included. Tsipras was breath of fresh air in this respect. 

  4. With 85%,We are told, of greek Americans alienated from the Church and possibly front Orthodox faith,  it would seem the ‘ faithful’ voting with their feet.  That is obvious from the video view of congregation in the video. 

  5. I keep hearing and reading that the bloggers have evidence proving the allegations they have made about malfeasance, corruption, etc., in the GOA. And I keep wondering why all the rest of us are being kept in the dark. If the bloggers have proof, as they claim, why hasn’t it been published? Mr. Catsimatidis is threatening to sue precisely because things have been said and alleged for some time now without proof. Slander and libel are proved in a court of law when someone alleges something, even about a public figure, and it is shown not only that it is not true, but that it was known to be not true. This back and forth has caused great concern and consternation for many people and serves no one’s cause. I, for one, would very much like to see all the cards put on the table, by all involved, so we can make up our minds for ourselves and begin the healing process. At the least, the bloggers should tell us why what they have has not yet been made public. Again, this is not taking sides. But all I see is a lot of back and forth that does no one, and the church, any good, regardless of what the truth is.

    • Gail Sheppard says

      It takes time, cooperation and an official investigation, which we’ve been told by more than one source, is taking place. These guys are serious and not going about this in a haphazard way. When they share things with us, we share them with you.

      • Alitheia 1875 says

        I understand that. But there is a difference between how the situation is being handled by officials and bloggers. If bloggers have the information they say they have they should share it sooner rather than later. Law enforcement always keeps their doings under wraps when they investigate issues like this. But when general information is given out by bloggers, of the sort we read, without specifics to back up their claims, it creates anxiety, consternation, anger, depression, etc. Believe, me, I have worked in mental health for over 3 decades and it is obvious to me that these pages are full of such emotions. It is not fair, not to mention not ethical, to do this. Don’t play with people’s emotions. I don’t want to know who the whistle blower is. I’m not defending anyone and I’m not casting aspersions on anyone but can you imagine the emotions involved if the feds don’t go public for months or a year?

        • Gail Sheppard says

          I’m not sure I understand what you are talking about, Alitheia1875. Can you give me an example of some “general” information we have given out without specifics that you know has created anxiety, consternation, anger, and depression?

          • Alitheia 1875 says

            Well, where’s the proof that 3 members of the Karloutsos family were paid $200,000 per year and that Fr. Alex received kickbacks from his fundraising, to name a couple of comments? That information didn’t come from a statement from federal investigators. That came from a blog. 

            • Gail Sheppard says

              I concur that it is emotionally upsetting to hear things like this. But I would argue that the emotion that is being stirred up is the result of how one feels when they realize the Church is mishandling their money. It doesn’t take a federal investigation to find out how much someone is making in a 501c3.

        • Alitheia I tend to agree with you. And i also worked in mental health. BUT I  DON’T think this blog engages in gossip in general at all, and has serious people from whom I gain much,and  George I judge a serious person with integrety. I perhaps naively assume if accusations are made seriously and publically,  then they are true.  That is how I operate and naively expect others to same standard. 
          And surely our own reading of what is in public domination will tell us enough?.  But with the open declaration in public of Bishop Nicholas confirmimg it all!!   And then his sudden letter rowing back, but  obviously under pressure, well it’s clear  this  fish is not one in fit state  to cook!!  
          And let us examine how the Phanar is financed.  It has a fading flock of 3000 if!!   Not much from them. Enough to keep a Parish or two going. The cash from Greek Europe diaspora can’t amount to that much. Normally a collection is made at Pascha that most people avoid giving to. It’s obvious for yrs that amongst the people, this remote scholastic Patriarch is not loved, to put it mildly. Even if they arrange photo calls with smiling barbarian peasants hiding in front of the facade of National greek monuments while the parishes vegetate or die with few exceptions. 
          So how and from whom is Phanar financed?    
          We know how Russian church financed. I do not agree with some of it, although different historical circumstances. But who finances Phanar to it’s life style. 

          • Re the empty church in video. Yes  I hope it was so care of kids and hospitality preparation.  But there was a, I assume a  mum, with two young children, in picture.  So   her kids obviously with her. All that   I could see were elderly ladies. Nothing wrong with elderly ladies but???  

          • Alitheia 1875 says

            Please see my above response to Gail Sheppard.

            • Alitheia thanks and have.  Yes all I can say is that as with Mueller report, if accusations turn out to be hot air, I will be angry at damage done. My reading of elpidophoros is that he desires to do good  as he sees it but cannot see outside of his hellenic Phanar Bubble and like all of them has no experience of real life, of  dealing with reality of kids, school and work at 0700 in the morning five days a week and rest.  Like bart a life reading byzantine canons.  I once had to attend a course looking at the  then UK,  NHS government policy and  had to read the policy documemts. SO I CAN BUT ADD MY SINCERE COMMISERATIONS!!!  But maybe  it gets them of on it!!!   😀 

              • Pps.  Behind their smile etc what dry desicated souls these Phanar people have.  What a delusional Bubble they all live in. And what mafia like instincts they have.  But from my vantage point of Bulgaria, even as a Greek, that is easy to see.  
                I am heartened that Romania is going to Jordan because Romania is no lover of anything Russian and government in bed with USA, number one  in support and bed  with USA in the region.  But I think they not over keen on too much Hellenism either. None in region are. In 1204 the Khan of Bulgaria had himself crowned by cardinal and Patriarch, sending message to Constantinople ( by then in exile in Nicea) that it could swing either way. There is a large statue in Varna of this event.

                Bulgaria may be playing footsie but it’s eyes are on the cossack!  Not to mention much investment and Culture!!  And history.  The other eye on the German. 

  6. Antiochene Son says

    This Boomer doesn’t seem to know how the Internet works.
    Congratulations, John, you have now turned 10 articles into 100, and confirmed every word is true. (Although it’s not difficult to do when a guy carries so convincingly the countenance of a stereotypical mob boss.)

  7. Does anyone here read

    In their reportage, Elpidophoros is always given the title “Archbishop of America” not Archbishop of the GOA.
    Since this site is a well-known propaganda site for the Bartholomewite Schismatics, are they telegraphing the EP’s intention to name Elpidophoros the head of all Orthodox Christians in America?
    And that all “real” Orthodox Christians will be or are subject to Bartholomew?
    Are we to expect some kind of victory tour when Bartholomew comes to the US in May 2020?

    • Gail Sheppard says

      That title has long belonged to the archbishops of the GOA because the Ecumenical Patriarchate has always insisted North America is the diaspora, under him. That’s why he didn’t/doesn’t recognize the autocephalous status of the OCA. To do so would mean that North America is under the OCA.

  8. There is deep corruption in the GOA in the US and in Australia. Only fools or corrupt and compromised men would honor a politician like Andrew Bragg.

    The Greek bishops in Australia have awarded Andrew Bragg, one of the most prominent and vocal supporters of same-sex “marriages”, with the “Order of the Christ-loving.”

    Andrew Bragg is also strongly in support of transgenderism and universal access to abortion.

    Highest honorary distinction awarded by the Archdiocese of Australia to Andrew Bragg
    “Recently, the new GOAustralian primate Makarios, awarded his archdiocese’s highest award, the “Order of the Christ-loving” to Senator Andrew Bragg of the Australian Senate. Bragg, was proclaimed a Grand Commander of the Order at a special Doxology service on Jan 21, 2020 at the Cathedral of the Annunciation.

    Previously, Bragg was the National Director of Liberals and Nationals for Same Sex Marriage and was the leading campaigner that led to the legalization of same-sex marriage in Australia in 2017.

    So if you are pro gay marriage, pro abortion, and pro LGBT you now get an award from the Greek Orthodox Church in Australia for your efforts.

    • Joseph (Lipper),___I wonder how you will justify the above news, considering your experience :

      Centurion says
      February 20, 2020 at 2:41 pm

      There is deep corruption in the GOA in the US and in Australia. Only fools or corrupt and compromised men would honor a politician like Andrew Bragg…….etc

      The Archbishop was freshly elected by Bartholomew,
      obviously as the right person.

      • Joseph Lipper says

        Ioannis, I’m surprised this liberal senator would even consider accepting an award from an Orthodox Archbishop who obviously doesn’t recognize same sex unions, who doesn’t advocate universal access to abortion, and who doesn’t support transgenderism. Senator Bragg’s liberal supporters must be highly outraged and scandalized! After this illicit hobnobbing with the Orthodox, perhaps now the senator will appear compromised and won’t get re-elected by his liberal constituents.

        • Joseph,___obviously, the politicians have their own criteria for accepting any kind of awards and publicity. They apply “if you don’t believe in God then you can do whatever you like.
          But why have you not addressed the problem from the Orthodox side:
          Do you agree with the action of the Archbishop,
          to award the liberal supporter of transgenderism and abortion? 
          Pray reply.

  9. A thought-provoking article on how and why the new therapy bans will make spiritual counseling a crime:

  10. We’re really seeing the dark shadow of totalitarianism today, folks. Among many others, two really disturbing pieces of news came across my desk. 
    First, a Jesuit ‘Catholic’ university in Spokane, Washington, is opening up an LGBTQ+ clinic “focused on outreach and promoting reforms that support those who are marginalized and underserved because of their gender identity or expression.” Spokane isn’t a very liberal city, but the Pope supported Jesuit school is rolling out a reeducation wing to enlighten Central Washington.
    This comes on the heels of Seattle is spending upwards of $300,000 a year on an LGBTQ+ ‘gender identity task force.’ See:
    Secondly, and this is truly terrifying, non-critical care patients in the UK can now be DENIED care if patients are perceived using “homophobic and transphobic” language. This includes clergy!
    Lord have mercy!

    • Appalling. I worked a life time in Nhs.  
      ALL HAVE A RIGHT TO CARE, what ever their views.  I am appalled.  

  11. agatha vournas mantanes says

    John Catsimatidis thinks a blogger’s opinion is not free speech, and he is sadly mistaken. In my opinion, the greek orthodox church has become far too abusive of freedom of speech. They are working under the assumption the greek orthodox in America are idiots. He needs to be taken down a few pegs, and I am sure a real smart lawyer will do so.

  12. James Cartingas says

    If you want to seriously deflate the gyro mafia (1) make sure your friends list no language or ethnicity on this year’s census and (2) make sure no one registers to vote as “Greek Abroad”.  THis will tach them once and for all they are a mirage.