Captain America, Homophobe

captamericaWell, that’s basically the gist of this new critique of the latest installment in the Captain America Trilogy brought to you by Marvel Studios.

The critic (Douglas Ernst, writing in the online version Vanity Fair May, 9, 2016) is offended because in one scene, Steve Rogers (“Cap”) and his sidekick James Buchanan (“Bucky”) Barnes are reminiscing about their old skirt-chasing ways during World War II. Ernst is particularly exercised because Steve Rogers has an excess of “heterosexual virility.” Further on, we are told that this closes the door on the possibility that Cap and Bucky of ever having a homoerotic relationship. And this would be a bad thing.

The directors of this (spectacular, it should be said outright) movie, Joe and Anthony Russo dutifully bent over and rhetorically said “please Sir! may have another?” mumbling something about Marvel Comics trotting out a homosexual and/or transsexual superhero sometime in the near future.

What a croc. That’ll sell well.

Basically, that’s the homage that has to be immediately paid by any “cisheteronormative” transgressor. Kind of like in the old Seinfeld episode where Elaine as a joke falsely “outs” Jerry and George as a gay couple. When anybody displays shock at their supposed homosexuality, they immediately catch themselves and say: “not that there’s anything wrong with that!” That was twenty years ago, believe it or not.

Regardless, what this shows is the extreme intellectual totalitarianism that has befallen our by-now hopelessly degraded culture. Why can’t these Brownshirts just leave well enough alone? For heaven’s sakes, it’s a movie, based on a comic book. Why can’t they just grab a bag of popcorn and enjoy the darn thing?

Is it just possible that their sin is so overwhelming, that it has so totally engulfed their lives, that they can see no other way out? That is to say that their perversions must be salved at every turn and in ever instance?

I dunno. Possibly. In the meantime, do take the time to go see Captain America: Civil War at your local multiplex. It’s well worth the time. And I agree with all the other critics, that this is by far the best installment in the Marvel cinematic universe.


  1. Very sensible observation. Too bad it will be lost in a sea of homophilia.

  2. Is it just possible that their sin is so overwhelming, that it has so totally engulfed their lives, that they can see no other way out? That is to say that their perversions must be salved at every turn and in ever instance?


  3. Gregory Manning says

    No, George. What they are attempting to do is create new realities. They believe that if they can force everyone to accept these new “life styles” as new realities they will become actual realities. But the Laws of God describe true reality and they will fail in their desperation to alter them.
    In a recent entry of Fr. Stephen Freeman’s, appropriately entitled “Coercing Reality”, one commentator, citing E. Stanley Jones, hit the nail on the head;

    “…all of God’s laws resemble the law of gravity: We don’t break the law of gravity; we break ourselves upon it. All of God’s laws work this way. We may think we are breaking them, when in fact we are breaking ourselves. The commandment was there to protect us, and we are the most whole when we follow His commandments.”

    The day after Obergfel a Southern Baptist pastor tweeted the best observation:

    #SCOTUS just promised a nation/generation what it cannot deliver. The Church/Christians
    must be ready for the disillusioned & despairing.
    10:28 AM 26
    Jun 2015
    15 12

    Exactly so! All this effort to create new realities will lead to disillusionment and despair. In the process they will wreak havoc in the society but in the end it is they who will suffer the most. Prelest is indeed a terrifying malady. If the Church can just hold out, however feebly, for as long as possible, then some of those who have fallen into despondency might still find the Ark of Salvation. The evil virus of doubt, brought to life in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1), spreads effortlessly throughout humanity and the prospects are heart breaking. As difficult and unappealing as it may be, please pray for these children of God.

    • That’s real good, the E. Stanley Jones citation. God’s laws are like “gravity.”
      Good thing to realize then remember. Tangible example of that in given discussion is when men undergo sex change operation and then go on “Estrogen Therapy” its all against nature, “gravity,” and things start to go wrong, essentially you become at high risk for all kinds of conditions, heart disease, diabetes and so forth. Estrogen is the last thing you want if you are a biological male though men do produce some small amount of it organically. However, in those cases when the man decides to return to becoming a man the testosterone all starts coming back and things start to fall in place quickly and easily, you are working with “gravity” rather than against it. Of course the biggest obstacle for these people is the demonization they then will face by all the gay activisms. Imagine for example if “Caitlyn” ever wanted to return back to “Bruce” he would be vilified through and through all throughout the liberal Hollywood media as some kind of “traitor” and really have to face all that peer pressure, they would make it as nearly impossible as they possibly could to keep him from going back to the person he was when he won his gold medal in the Olympics. And you see that outside the celebrity sphere, trans people who may wish to go back to their original gender and those who may aid with counseling being attacked by gay activism. Its the sad state of affairs and now with the SCOTUS ruling and the rainbow White House lighting all the activisms are all emboldened from all this official recognition, crazy bathroom stuff the latest, what next, nothing can hardly surprise.

  4. I’ve always thought that the Gays are really actually not so “gay” after all. Deep down there is this vacuousness in their souls that is never “happy, gay,” however a “sadness” rather than a “gayness” and so to cover that up, to mask the vacuousness and fill the void, you need all these parades and political events and organizations and activisms and all that. Yet, their suicide rates, rampant drug use and all their myriads of illnesses seem to indicate they really are not all that happy at all, or “gay.” Of course they will and do blame “societal causes” of all sorts, “discriminations,” like the Captain America here for just one small example (they rather he be using a “lady’s room”), and down the road Superman and Spiderman, Batman and all the rest, everything “gay gay gay” all over and everywhere, and thats our Courts and the liberals democrats mostly. Homosexuality probably is one of the devil’s biggest weapons in his war against God and humanity and unfortunately people are not getting this even in too many “christian churches” now where it has become so openly prevalent already, “bishops, clergy, marriages etc.” sign of times I guess.

  5. Michael Warren says

    Just to put this in perspective. Approximately 1% of the population is SSA and that number grows to 3% when one includes all LGBT deviants.

    As a social democrat, I have a profound distaste for a priveledged 1% skirting the rule of law and having the state cater to its class structure, conferring upon it a special status. For me, that 1% is just as distasteful whether it is the wealthy or the gay lobby. After eight years of a dubious presidency, eligibly challenged and profoundly incompetent, we have witnessed a precipitous decline in the Middle Class, real wages, and standard of living. Along with that we have been forced into a national disgrace made possible by a government insisting on privileges for a gay 1% . At the end of this 8 years, we are able to say that conservative and liberal, Republican and Democrat alike, traded our livelihoods and America’s future for gay rights, gay rights being the sole “accomplishment” of Regime Obama.

    People need to think about that when they vote in the primaries and in the fall. They need to ask themselves how much longer they wish to be disenfranchised by their elected officials and what steps need to be taken to improve their living conditions. They need to seriously consider whether or not this country is at a Jeffersonian tipping point. How much longer do American working people need to carry privileged 1% minorities at the expense of their children’s future.

  6. Alexander Slepukhof says

    I’ll take these critics of our “overly heterosexual” society seriously when I can find one who is the natural biological offspring of a homosexual union.

  7. Fr. Herman Schick says

    “…Marvel Comics trotting out a homosexual and/or transsexual superhero sometime in the near future.”

    So: “Wonder(if I’m a)Woman”?

  8. Chris Andreas says

    Wow, I sure am glad James Bond wasn’t a Marvel creation!

  9. Michael Kinsey says

    Pure Christian Truth is homosexuality is a plague of the great whore. It is a punishment sent by an obviously active Holy God. to people who do not love God alone, and ignore the Word of God, and live for bread alone. They are devoid of natural affection and, obviously genuine love for thier fellow man. They are the opposite of people who have the greater love that a person can give, which would and sometimes does ,lay down thier life for thier friends. It is thrilling to me, that such selfless servants of God, existed and still do. I have met a few of them in pro life activisment. These people can still laugh with heartfelt joy and humore. They like the way they are, for they are satisfied in Christ.

  10. Michael Kinsey says

    Pure Christian Truth is homosexuality is a plague of the great whore. It is a punishment sent by an obviously active Holy God. to people who do not love God alone, and ignore the Word of God, and live for bread alone. They are devoid of natural affection and, obviously genuine love for thier fellow man. They are the opposite of people who have the greater love that a person can give, which would and sometimes does ,lay down their life for their friends. It is thrilling to me, that such selfless servants of God, existed and still do. I have met a few of them in pro life activisment. These people can still laugh with heartfelt joy and humor. They like the way they are, for they are satisfied in Christ.