You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

Clearly, the modern West is in a moral panic. It’s possible that we may have passed the point of no return.

Don’t believe me? Then please read the following:

The subtitle to this story is: “A Canadian man is attempting to legally coerce women to wax his scrotum“. See what I mean? You can’t make this stuff up.

Now at the risk of being called a misogynist, “homophobe”, “transphobe” or simply a “cis-heteronormative-Y-chromosome” freak who has enjoyed lording his White Privilege over People of Color for well-nigh 60 years, the above story is what you get when you ignore five millennia of human history and the learned experience of ordinary people. The crime of “transphobism” is the logical –albeit ridiculous–end of what is now loosely termed Western “civilization”.

In the opening paragraph of the above essay, the author asks us to imagine a story if you will. Imagine the time is 1990 and a young writer is pitching a story to a publisher based in New York City. He describes a dystopian future wherein a transvestite (who “identifies” as a woman) goes to an aesthetician and asks for a bikini wax. The aesthetician refuses –because, you know the client is a man –and before you know it, she is hauled before a “human rights tribunal”. The businesswoman is punished.  First, she is forced to pay an exorbitant fine but when she can’t afford it, she’s forced to close up shop. Then the transvestite goes to another bikini-waxing parlor, then another, then another –and each time he’s refused service. Because honest businesswomen, as a rule, don’t like to handle random men’s penises.

Impossible you say? Ludicrous to be sure. “Never in a million years could something like this happen,” the editor says to the erstwhile writer; “it’s too unbelievable. Nobody would buy this book and the movie studios would surely take a pass.” The prospective publisher suggests something along these lines instead: “How about writing a story in which fertile young women are forced to wear restrictive religious garb and are used for breeding purposes in a future theocratic America? Don’t you think that that would be more realistic?”

Yeah –no.

At the risk of being too graphic, the “woman” in question, a certain Jonathan/Jessica Yaniv, has gotten all hot and bothered because no fewer than a dozen aestheticians have refused to give xim (?) the desired bikini wax. Three of the women in question belonged to the Sikh faith and according to the tenets of that religion, women are not allowed to handle the genitalia of men who are not their husbands. (Actually, that sounds like it comes from the tenets of most every other religion known to mankind now that I think about it. Oh well, work with me here.)

Yaniv acted all sanctimonious. S/he even used anti-immigrant slurs to buttress her moral superiority. And why not? Because in the modern, morally superior West (as opposed to evil Russia), she’s gathered the most “woke victim points”. She’s overweight, Jewish, secular, a male, a transvestite, and she even wants to help pre-pubescent girls insert tampons should one need help while they’re both in the women’s restroom. A regular Mother Theresa if you ask me.

Allow me to explain how the game is played: In order to play the modern Grievance GameTM, you must acquire as many “woke victim points” as possible. You accumulate them as you take your token across the board, a la MonopolyTM. If you land on the “First Time You Attend a Unitarian Church” space you get 2 points. If you land on the “Come Out as Gay to Your Family” space you get five. If however you land on the “MAGA Rally” or “NASCAR” space you lose 10 points. You get the picture. And you lose all your woke victim points whenever you land on any of the “White Oppressor” spaces. If you land here, then you are forced to go to the Fundie Corner where you will be lectured by a White Oppressor until the player to your left picks up an ACLU card and springs you free. Just so you know the White Oppressor will be the player to your right who will read to you classics from the Western Canon, such as the Bible, Aristotle’s Ethics, Barry Goldwater’s The Conscience of a Conservative or Mere Christianity.

The person who accumulates the most woke victim cards wins. It’s that simple, and as we noted above Ms/r Yaniv hit the intersectionality jackpot. A fawning appearance on Oprah is in the works as well as a possible seven-figure book deal. Presently, Julian Castro is looking into hiring Yaniv as a campaign consultant as they are both absolutely committed to ensuring abortion rights for all women with penises.

There is no word yet as to whether s/he will appear in Playboy. Negotiations are ongoing. Mr/s Yaniv assured us that xe (sur?) is only going to do it because “it’s empowering to me as a woman”.

About GShep


  1. “In order to play the modern Grievance GameTM, you must acquire as many “woke victim points” as possible. You accumulate them as you take your token across the board, a la MonopolyTM. If you land on the “First Time You Attend a Unitarian Church” space you get 2 points. If you land on the “Come Out as Gay to Your Family” space you get five. If however you land on the “MAGA Rally” or “NASCAR” space you lose 10 points. You get the picture. And you lose all your woke victim points whenever you land on any of the “White Oppressor” spaces. If you land here, then you are forced to go to the Fundie Corner where you will be lectured by a White Oppressor until the player to your left picks up an ACLU card and springs you free. ”
    Hurry up and patent it, Geo! You will make a fortune. I would buy it.

    • George Michalopulos says

      Let’s talk! We’ll split the royalties 50/50? Deal?

      • ChristineFevronia says

        George, what’s up with our friend Rod Dreher?

        • George C Michalopulos says

          I honestly can’t say. My feeling is that the higher reaches of our literary class are very well-mannered people (e.g. George Will) and that they travel in the best circles. As such, they imbibe the Zeitgeist of their class.

          I could say more but at this point, I’d rather not.

          • George C Michalopulos says

            CF, for a better answer, please go to paragraph #15 of this excellent essay which I just read:


            (Read the whole thing if you want but this paragraph kind of explains why all the “best” conservatives think the way they do.

          • Zeitgeist of the ruling class?

            That would explain Dreher’s consistent moral, cultural and doctrinal conservatism and his fierce defense of religious liberty. Right?

            There are quite a few of us who simply believe that Donald Trump is, in a way, Bill Clinton’s twin brother and that he is unqualified for the presidency for a zillion reasons of competence, honest and morality. The fact that we want to remain consistent on these issues doesn’t make us SJWs or part of any other brand of modern progressive life.

            There’s way too much political jargon on this site, methinks. It would help to write more about crucial issues in Orthodox life and practice.

            • Tmatt you correct and more about HOW WE BELIEVE TODAY. 

              • George Michalopulos says

                tmatt, I’ve been a fan of Rod’s for quite awhile now.  Still am.  I did not respond to Zmirak’s criticism of Dreher but merely published a commentator’s question.

                I will say this though:  For all of Trump’s oafishness, he has done more for religious liberty, the pro-life movement and traditional values than the three previous Republican presidents combined.

                I will also say that he has done more for gay rights than the two previous Democrat presidents combined.

                I realize of course that these two courses of action are antithetical to each other but as a dedicated pro-lifer and a First Amendment/religious freedom absolutist I have to give credit to where credit is due.  

                I’ve used this cliché before and I’ll use it again:  As Lincoln said about U S Grant and his drunkenness:  “I can’t spare this man, he fights!”

                Hence my support for President Trump.  (He wasn’t my first, second or third choice but by God! he’s kept most of his promises.)

        • Michael Bauman says

          Christina, perhaps he is the other side of the “famous convert” coin minted by Frank Schaeffer.

          Both confess publically to severe issues with their fathers. There are other similarities. I pray that Rod does not end up in the same nihilistic black hole as Frank.

      • George here in Bulgaria Men are men ,woman are woman, and as to the rest, what people do in their home and with whom, their business,  but male is male and female is female and Marriage for Mr and Mrs as children.  Yes u may say there are Terrible  heterosexual parents and good gay ones but that irrelevant to the point as u know.  

  2. Linda Albert says

    I’m sure if it really were simply a matter of depilating his privates, Mr. Yaniv could easily find an accommodating male at a local BDSM (I had to Google to find the right acronym) club. But obviously it’s more, or actually, all about coercing young, discomfited women to handle his genetalia.
    Or maybe he should try contacting the local rape and domestic abuse hotline. I’m sure there must be at least one woman who would experience catharsis from strapping him down, pouring hot wax on his manly parts and then ripping it off.

    • Steven J. M. says

      See, Linda, that’s the difference between you – a self respecting conservative, who’s not afraid of doing something for herself – and those closely connected with the ‘do everything for me’ Left. In no time at all, you thought of a number of novel alternatives for our trans to get the job done, whereas all he managed to think of was a whining appeal to the law. It’s a good metaphor 

    • George C Michalopulos says


  3. Steven J. M. says

    But George if they’re not forced to wax his testes then he might commit suicide
    And seeing as the subject of suicide has come up, I might as well share something which occurred to me recently. I call it contradiction #21 459 of Leftism:
    Men suicide the most, and a leading contributor to this fact is relationship break-ups. But where’s all the concern to prevent these break-ups? Instead, we have a world that makes divorce easy, and promiscuity seem appealing.
    Concern for human life my eye 

  4. This story, and others like it one we reads on a frequent basis is all we need to know in defining progressive leftist ideals.This type of madness, is why Trump will be elected again, regardless of his persona. Simply witness the alternatives. The great majority of this nation is still sane, whether Democrat, Independent, or Republican. I just wish more would get off their couch, put down the remote, or smart phone and VOTE! A pity that half of our nation does not take the time to vote. If they did, we would witness landslides in more blue states, than we did in 2016.

  5. George Michalopulos says