Maybe John Bull Does Have Some Fight Left in Him after All

Bulldog ... mock-up of Cameron in Churchill pose

Good news from Old Blighty. Tory Prime Minister David Cameron (who for my tastes was not all that conservative) did something brash and correct. He told Europe to shove it and pulled out of the latest deal to save the Eurozone.

To the credit of his New Labour predecessors, we begin to see the wisdom of Gordon Brown (the former Chancellor of the Exchequer under PM Tony Blair), who back in 1999, refused to exchange the Pound Sterling for the misbegotten Euro. Even though Brown had a disastrous turn as PM, it is likely that history will remember him kindly for refusing to buckle to Europressure. I believe that history will smile upon Cameron as well for this singular act of bravery.

I can’t emphasize enough what a terrible idea the Eurozone was in the first place. The trading of national sovereignty is never a good thing and will always lead to despair in the end as we are seeing now with Greece. What made the Greek example especially tragic was that that country gave up the Drachma, which is the oldest form of currency in the world. And for what? To spend their way into oblivion thanks to the taxes provided by hard-working Germans. Now that the chickens have come home to roost for the Greeks, they are left with ashes and recriminations. The only silver lining would be if we here in America see what happens to nations who cede control of their finances and borders to transnational entities.

Now if only the other nations of the Eurozone will pull out, the better.

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Up Eurs

Euro crisis: Britain stands alone after PM David Cameron’s historic veto

By GRAEME WILSON, Deputy Political Editor, in Brussels, and KEVIN SCHOFIELD, Political Correspondent

Published: 10 Dec 2011

Source: The Sun | DAVID Cameron has blasted the bully-boys of Europe with a sensational Winston Churchill-style “Up Yours”.

The PM vetoed a new treaty and kept Britain out of a dodgy deal to save the euro.

But his bulldog spirit left the nation facing an unknown future and risking an EU backlash.

The PM defended his historic veto of an EU deal intended to save the euro — despite infuriating pro-Europeans.

But his Coalition partners were less than happy – prompting one Tory MP to label them POODLES in a stinging put-down.

Deputy PM Nick Clegg said he was “bitterly disappointed” after Cameron used Britain’s veto, and warned that the UK could end up “isolated and marginalised”.

Read the entire article on The Sun website.


  1. Lola J. Lee Beno says

    Good for him.

  2. Patrick Henry Reardon says

    I have been following this development with some relish.

    On Sunday nights, I habitually watch Q-and-A on C-Span with my wife.

    After she retires, I leave the dial right there in order to watch the weekly question/answer session with the PM in the House of Commons.

    It is wonderful entertainment!

  3. Although I am not a fan of the ways of the European Community I think ‘realpolitik’ might well lead Mr Cameron to regret his decision in the long run. The reality is that with its moribund economy and finances Britain needs Europe more than Europe needs Britain. Therefore the Europeans can make life quite difficult, and not just for Mr Cameron but for the average Briton as well. For better or worse, Britain has straddled the Atlantic-European fence for five decades now; I think it will take someone with more political heart than David Cameron to extricate it from that uncomfortable position. We shall have to see if his coaltion with the Lib-Dems survives for a start.

    • George Michalopulos says

      Basil, you may be correct, after all, Germany is the economic powerhouse of Europe. However I don’t think that the hard-working, thrifty Germans are going to want to forever remain the engine that keeps Europe afloat. In that regard, Cameron may have the last laugh.

      Having said that, the idea of the Euro and the transnationalism that it represents in an abominable one. The only way that it could have any conceivable way of working would be for the sovereign nations of Europe to formally give up their respective nationhoods and formally coalesce into a United States of Europe. Given the 2000 year history of incessant warfare on that Continent, that seems nothing but another utopian pipe-dream conceived in the febrile minds of Liberals, Leftists, and other Progressives who don’t understand human nature. Like all such adolescent fantasies, it will come to naught but only after a cataclysm.

  4. cynthia curran says

    True, the Germans started coming up on Britian in the late 19th century. Britian has whites that act somewhat like inner city blacks in the States. Also, Britian has been hit harder by immirgation than has Germany. The Germans have use the Turks for years for some manufactoring work and while there is some problem with Muslems in Germany not quite as bad as other countries. Camerion has not done this but he has mention about doing more about illegal immirgation than either Obama or some of the Republicans here.

    • George Michalopulos says

      You know, people say that elections don’t matter and truth be told, the Tory’s are not all that conservative, but is there any doubt in anybody’s mind what would have happened had a New Labour or Liberal Democrat been in the PM’s office at 10 Downing Street? I wasn’t sure that Cameron would have pulled this off as he and the modern Tory’s are rather squishy and wet all things considered, but the fact that there is still an Anglo-Saxon ethnic component which is highly Euro-skeptical as part of his political base probably forced his hand. Good for them and good for him. This is a fine day for patriots everywhere.

  5. I haven’t written Cameron off just yet. He could use this as a fulcrum to consolidate his power, given the unpopularity of Europe in Britain, or I should say the UK, but the nation would have to pull together as it hasn’t since WWII and I don’t know if it has the moral capacity to do so these days – let us hope so if it comes to it.

    • Geo Michalopulos says

      Exactly. I’m not sure that his coaliton partnership (the Liberal Democrats) won’t pull out and force the collapse of his gov’t. Or some squish faction of the Tories stab him in the back as they did the Iron Lady back in 1994 I think it was. I wouldn’t count out the Europeanists just yet, it may be that Cameron’s veto was merely the last volley of nationalism in this struggle for the soul of Britain. We’ll see.

  6. cynthia curran says

    Well, the immirgation issue is big in England and further to the right is the nationalists party which has discuss England too high immirgation like the US the past twenty yearsor so. The nationalists wil never have that much influence but the tradtional parties have ignored the issue.

  7. George, doesn’t the picture have him showing one two many fingers?

    He might extend a hand out to shake with the Germans, as they might be the only ones standing. If they decide to stop underwriting the foolishness of everyone else on the Continent.