Bad Actors

From the Character Impersonation Game

Over the last several months, an interesting thing has developed.  All of these of these sites have popped up seemingly connected to Monomakhos.  As a matter of fact, when we were down,  some said on Bing they could get into our site when people on Google could not. 

Because our traffic went from 2500 down to 250, I did some investigating and discovered two urls.  The first is ours, of course,, but I don’t know how we got a second one.  Because it uses our name, I imagine it would confuse a lot of people, especially when we were down.  It looks like our same site.  I hear it is possible to copy and redirect someone’s url to another url, but it seems like only a very compromised human being, with deep spiritual issues, would do something like this because it’s fraud.     

I don’t want you, our readers, to be confused so I’m going to publish all the sites that are NOT connected to but may be connected to each other.   The information on some of these sites is completely bogus, as you’ll probably be able to guess. 

If  you Google one of these people, you will find he has a long history of creating and/or trying to sell websites.  It almost looks like he is getting ready to sell Monomakhos, given the inflated value put on it! 

If any of you can shed some light on this, I would appreciate it.  Since all these links are in the public domain, I have no problem posting them or discussing them.  Doesn’t sound like English is this guy’s first language:  “If you own this website and want to sell on, just register and verificate it. allows people contact with you who may interest with your website/domain. You can sell your domain name with website hosting.



And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.  Ephesians 5:11  

About GShep


  1. The first link is odd. It seems to be some sort of subfile under your legitimate URL.

    • Gail Sheppard says

      Not sure what that means but I’m going to find out. Thank you so much, Blimbax. You’ve been with us a long time and we appreciate that. It’s kind of like it’s your blog, too.

      • I’m not an expert, but I believe that internet pages are organized in a way that is similar to how files and subfiles are organized on a computer. For instance, you can create a folder on your hard drive and call it “Gail”. Within that folder you might have a subfolder called “recipes,” another called “church,” and under each of these subfolders you could create subsubfolders, say, “American,” “Greek,” etc.. It could be represented as follows:


        Here is an example. Open your response to my comment and check the URL. You will see, “”. “Bad-actors” is kind of like a folder under your general URL, and under “bad-actors” is the particular comment.

        The first link you listed seems to show your proper URL, “”

        Under that, is another “folder,” “/category” Is that yours? I think it is, because your link to podcasts is “” I assume that “podcast” is a legitimate sub folder under “category.”

        So, taking that as an example, the structure could be represented as follows:

        Under that is “/a-michalopulos-blog”. Is that yours? That, I think, is one of the questions you might want to pursue.

        As I said, I’m no expert. The other links may be completely fake, but the first one may involve someone having gotten “inside.” Again, I can’t say for sure, but it bears investigation.

        • Gail Sheppard says

          I think you’re onto something. Thank you!

          • I see that the indentation didn’t work right. For instance, it should have been something like this:


  2. This is awful. They all look like fake sites, especially the Twitter one. If you are not a member of Twitter (which I am not) I can only read about 3 Twitter posts before Twitter blocks me from reading and asks me to join. I noted in the Twitter link you posted that I could keep reading the posts. Therefore, I am assuming its a fake site. Perhaps you can contact Twitter about this?

  3. I also noted that I came upon this site when searching around after reading your article on bad actors. If went to the site twice. The first time, your blog name was on the left side. The second time your site was on the right. Your site also had higher stats. I went back to check my scrolling history abd now it’s disappeared? This looks like a fake site, too.

  4. Ha, I got quoted on that Twitter account twice. My fanbase grows.

  5. George Michalopulos says

    FWIW, this fellow somehow got ahold of my Twitter account and started ranting and raving about my “hatred for the Ukraine.” I tried to set him straight. I even asked a few direct questions but he (as well as his followers) would never answer them.

    And so, I ask now: “Would you sir, be willing to an open debate with me about the war in the Ukraine?”

  6. I’m no expert either, but this is my takeaway from the links you’ve posted: – This seems legitimate, since “a-michalopulos-blog” seems to be the default category for your blog posts. With WordPress, you can run RSS feeds not just for your blog, but for specific categories of your blog. For instance, if you want to just see the Wordle posts to my blog, you could set up your program to grab this feed – I use that concept here to for the “Latest Wordles” on this page – This looks like a spammy “business info” site. There is the possibility that there is a small company in Florida named Monomakhos but in the site’s zeal to connect the business with a web presence, they just grabbed your website and website info. I had something similar happen years ago because of my last name – some site grabbed the first five letters, and then listed my number as a construction company, which then got replicated a bunch of places, and there was absolutely nowhere to get this undone. The good thing about sites like these is that most people realize they’re very spammy and I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a call. – looks like it was the blog of a priest, though it looked like everything had been gone this morning, and that it’s back again tonight. He’s Ukrainian, and he *really* doesn’t like you, as he picked up his blog after a hiatus of 7 years to rant about you AND he’s got a “Welcome Monomakhos Crowd” thing at the top of his blog.

    Zoominfo is like the datanyze site, but somewhat more reputable.

    The Twitter account is someone who doesn’t like you very much. – This seems like an aggregator that goes through social platforms looking for sites with “content” hoping that they can bundle it and sell it as “courses”. In the process of grabbing your blog entries, they’ve also grabbed a bunch of pages/posts about Monomakhos as well… you know, a course about “monomakhos”.

    Facebook – looks like a simple repost of you posts

    Siteprice – I’d guess the guy is in the market of trying to “flip” domains. Kind of scammy, but I don’t know that it’s malicious.

    I’m wondering if, because you were down for so long, Google started looking for other matches to the term “monomakhos” and so these sites which reference that are getting some of your traffic redirected to you for the time being as “alternate hits”, so to speak. There are certainly malicious ways of site spoofing and what have you, but I don’t necessarily think any of these have anything to do with it, especially when one of them is your biggest category on your own site. I don’t work in IT though.

    • Antiochene Son says

      I am sort of an expert in the field, and Katja’s assessments seem accurate. None of these sites are impersonating Monomakhos, they are either run-of-the-mill auto-generated pages, re-posts, or commentaries on Monomakhos. I agree with Katja that the length of time Monomakhos was down is probably the reason for their proliferation. They should gradually be weeded out of the search results over time.

  7. George Michalopulos says

    Speaking about Bad Actors, here’s Tuck taking on Sandy Cortez:

    Somebody needs to tell the Uniparty that we don’t owe the coke-up Clown of Kiev a red cent.