“They’re Going to Kill this Guy”

Well, I guess “they” just put their cards on the table.

Damn them. No, that’s not good enough: God damn them. I mean that. Every word of it.

Do these morons even realize what they’re doing? Are they so [expletive] stupid that they don’t understand where statements such as this will lead?

I suppose you could say that they did us a favor in a back-handed sort of way. By speaking out as like this on national television, they pretty much gave away the game. Philip Mudd, a former CIA operative was speaking with Jake Tapper on the Controlled News Network the other day and openly blurted out these very words. Click on the link below if you don’t believe me.

Tapper immediately did a Stephanopoulos and “corrected” Mudd. (Back in 2008, Steph was interviewing then-candidate Obama and the latter said “…my Muslim faith” in response to a question. Steph quickly interjected: “You mean, your Christian faith, don’t you?”) Tapper, clearly nervous, said, “you mean that metaphorically?” This is a great example of the Corporate Media running interference for the Approved Party but that’s a story for another day. Right now we should concern ourselves with the implications of Mudd’s words and the tone in which he spoke them.

To be fair, Tapper’s momentary anxiety speaks well of him. He knew that unless he poured some cold water on Mudd’s words really fast he’d be getting a call from the Secret Service post-haste. He at least sees the contours of what constitutes civil discourse, hypocrisy being the tribute that vice pays to virtue and that sort of thing.

Mudd on the other hand was completely nonchalant. He wasn’t fazed in the least. I’d say he’s clueless. This is a bad sign. It means that in the circles Mudd travels in this kind of talk is going on all the time. Oh, sure, some of them may mean it “metaphorically” like the proverbial Borscht Belt comedian who say “I’m dying up here” during his act, but Mudd is no comedian. He’s a Federal employee. When we talk about Deep Staters such as Mudd, some of whom run Black Sites and who traffic in cocaine –well, I just have to wonder. I imagine the conscience can get a little dulled after awhile.

Some of course will interject that in the context of this interview, the word “kill” means something less than actual murder. As in “obstruct”, “put up obstacles”, “sabotage”, etc. But even in this context, that’s nothing less than seditious. The Rosenbergs didn’t kill anybody but because they gave atomic secrets to the Soviets they fried in the electric chair. Jonathan Pollard spent over thirty years in Federal prison because he sold Naval secrets to the Israelis (who unlike the Soviets were our allies). Committing espionage is serious business in case you didn’t know.

Or so we should assume. But I guess in the eyes of our Deep State little things like the laws against espionage don’t matter. For them, Trump is an utter abomination. He overturned the tables, first with his nomination then with his election. In our duopoly, only carefully cultivated candidates are allowed to stand for office. We are allowed to vote for Original Recipe or Extra Crispy. Trump is neither. He singlehandedly short-circuited this entire, phony process and for them, that’s unforgivable. So I guess nothing is beyond the pale when it comes to “doing whatever it takes”.

(And don’t give me any grief about how Obama’s feelings were hurt because of the Birther nonsense. If a Bush holdover from the CIA said those words about Obama the left would still be screaming about it to this day. You know it and I know it.)

So what exactly our “they” going to do? Well, short of assassination, I guess the sky’s the limit. Sell secrets to Iranians? Create another ISIS, maybe a homegrown one? Photoshop an image of Trump with some Russian hookers? Look the other way when coyotes smuggle in more illegal aliens? Have “terrorists” blow up one of Trump’s many hotels? Cause a cholera outbreak? Crash the stock market? Who knows?

Whether you voted for Trump or not, whether you like him or not, words such as these are beyond depressing. Don’t they get the fact that in a democratic Republic we the people decide who our elected officials are? What gives these desk jockeys the right to overturn an election? Who elected them God? Your vote and my vote is just as good as theirs. If they don’t think so, then go ahead already and disenfrachise me and everybody else who took part in the election –and I mean everybody.

Because here’s the thing: if you take away the votes of the the 63 million people who voted for Trump you’re taking away the votes of everybody who voted. It’s the principle that’s involved here. Go ahead and invalidate all elections from here on in and create a hereditary monarchy or a dictatorship of the proletariat and be done with it. At least be honest about it. I could understand that. But don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.

In the meantime, until you screw up the cojones to do that, then get with the Constitutional program. If you don’t like Trump then vote him out of office in three years. I didn’t like Obama. It was eight years of sheer torture for me. But I didn’t want him dead. In fact, when I came across an ad in an Atlanta paper which stated that “nothing should be off the table” when it comes to removing Obama, I broke the story on Monomakhos and sent a copy of that ad to the White House. (It had been taken down by the time I published it.)

I did that because I’m a patriot. Now, with all the murderous rage being ginned up against the President, I look like a chump in retrospect.

But you know what? There are 63 million other chumps out there besides me. Do “they” honestly think that we’re just going to sit back and accept their sabotage (or worse)? By what logic do they think that the sword of sedition won’t be picked up and used against them at some future point

Of course they think that with Mueller’s witch hunt and the incessant drumbeat of Muh Russia that they are delegitimizing Trump. If they do think that then they’ve got another thing coming. We no more believe all their propaganda than we believe the moon is made of green cheese. The days of three broadcast news divisions serving up curated “news” are long gone. Thanks to the internet, we are far more sophisticated than we were back then during Watergate. Megyn Kelley can twist her little ankle and talk about Rosie O’Donnell all she wants and all we’ll do is switch the channel to something more serious, like The Kardashians.

I fear that all this Caesar in the Park imagery has been priming us for the final blow. It’s ironic but in Shakespeare’s play, Brutus “was the noblest Roman of them all”; no doubt the Deep Staters view themselves in such a light. Delusions die hard: Caesar’s assassination didn’t work out all that well for Brutus and his boys. Their intentions were good, no doubt they thought that they were saving the Republic. Or so they thought.

They were wrong. And boy was there hell to pay.

“They” better think long and hard about what they think is right or expedient. Because we ain’t going back. They can cry “racist” or “demagogue” all they want but it will fall on deaf ears. And they will pay.


About GShep


  1. Steve Zaris says

    The abomination is Drumpf’s suggesting an equivalency between racist white nationalists and those who protest against that vile and un-American ideology. Stop defending him. We all, including liberals like myself, need to be working towards a Pence presidency. I may disagree with Pence on most issues, but he’s demonstrated competence, knows how things are supposed to work, has a set of values within the range of acceptable American norms and shows people respect. In all of these ways, he’s unlike Drumpf.

    • George Michalopulos says

      Not gonna fall for it. You don’t get it, within 5 minutes of a pence presidency you liberals would be calling him Hitler.

      That’s what y’all call every Republican.

    • Steve if that’s what you actually believe then I have some land in Liberia to sell you. If you support BLM and Antifa and DSA*-violent thugs with a clear track record- then you are full of it. And don’t use the excuse “muh evil nazzis and klanzmen” to hide your support for anarchists and marxists.

      If you don’t support either side that’s fine by me, ignore the previous paragraph.

    • Gail Sheppard says

      Oh, no, Steve, Trump was “right on” when he said it was both sides. I’m going to share something with you. . .

      When my son, Chase, was a freshman in high school, he wanted to know why black kids celebrated being black during the month of February. If they did that, then why we didn’t have a month to celebrate being white? Some of his friends were wondering the same thing and one of them invited a group of “kids” to come talk with them about promoting white pride. Chase came home with his head shaved in solidarity. His father and I told him, in no uncertain terms, that this group was bad and that groups like this lead to violence. Chase insisted we were wrong and that these “kids” (we later learned they weren’t kids at all; they were only posing as “kids”) were just proud of being white. Hearing him talk like that sent shivers down my spine, but it was when he came home with a small tattoo of a swastika on his back that I literally came unglued. I told him (screamed actually), that ALL GROUPS WHO ELEVATE THEMSELVES BASED ON RACE ARE BAD. When people start doing that, they begin to think it’s OK to ostracize others and when that happens, it leads to confrontation. The very next day, Chase was told by this group to fight some kids because they were not white. I think Chase was shocked and also a little scared because he knew if he dropped out, they would target him, too. I’m sure they did and he probably got into a fight or two over it but I didn’t want to hear about it because I had warned him. He grew to despise that swastika on his back and was ecstatic the day he got to cover it with another tattoo. My son always had to learn the hard way.

      I don’t care whether it’s “White Supremacists,” “Black Lives Matter” (all lives matter, BTW), Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans or any other group; anytime you elevate one group over another, it’s divisive and divisiveness leads to hate. Sadly, all race-based groups have their own lobbyists and are very much part of our political landscape. Even on job applications, the government wants to know which race you identify with and if you are Hispanic or Latino. (Apparently, they’re not races, they’re ethnicities.)

      I’d like to go on record: I DO NOT SUPPORT GIVING DEFERENCE TO ANY GROUP OF PEOPLE BASED ON ETHNICITY OR RACE. Past struggles don’t matter to me. Every group of people has struggled in this country. My own family, many of whom were Irish refugees, were horribly mistreated in the 1900s but I would consider it a travesty to benefit from their suffering. Why would I want special consideration to be given to me at their expense? I don’t understand this kind of thinking. We all have to live in the moment and in THIS moment, no race or ethnicity should be elevated; especially not in schools, fraternities, sororities, and universities, where we are molding the minds of the next generation.

      SEPARATISTS are racist. Seeing it as one-sided is racist because it means that the thing that generated the hate in the first place doesn’t exist.

      Shakespeare had it right: “See what a scourge is laid upon your hate, That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love! Have lost a brace of kinsmen. All are punished.”

      • George Michalopulos says

        Brilliant, Gail. ALL lives matter!

        On a side note, La Raza (“The Race”) somehow got the memo and changed their name to “UnidosUS” (“Together US”). I’d say a small step in the right direction.

        Will BLM do likewise?

        • Only way to know is to shout All Lives Matter at a BLM rally and see what happens. If they do anything other than agree they’re racists and no better than White Suppremisists.

          • Gail Sheppard says

            Dan, I’d be terrified to shout “all lives matter” at a BLM rally. They would take one look at me and assume I was a white supremacist and attack me. I honestly think that would happen.

            • George Michalopulos says

              You don’t even want to think about what would happen, Gail.

              To all: the essence of any type of supremacy is that only “one” kind of life matters.

      • Bonhoeffer says

        Oh, no, Steve, Trump was “right on” when he said it was both sides. I’m going to share something with you. . .

        Seen this yet, Gail? Right on? Both sides? I challenge you to watch this video to the end. Then we might be able to discuss this “both sides” business more productively.

        • George Michalopulos says

          Mike, you should be ashamed of the way you’re treating Gail. She knows of what she speaks. Unlike you she actually listened to Trump’s speech re Charlottesville. You’re derangement does not allow you to hear what he said.

          • Nate Trost says

            Disagree, Trump made astounding false equivalences and Gail Sheppard went right along with it. I watched the press conference.

            There was one side with a core identity based in a belief of racial superiority and the morality of race-based genocide. And there was another side which disagreed with those concepts. It really is that simple. If you can’t stand with the disagreeing side, then proclamations of “All Lives Matter*” inevitably have that asterisk with the fine print (*but not equally) at the bottom.

            The problem with people like Gail Sheppard is a common one, she equates group supremacy movements with equality movements. Saying “hey, this isn’t a level playing field!” isn’t the same as “hey, you don’t deserve to be on the field in the first place!”

            • George Michalopulos says

              I must disagree, Nate. Trump blamed all sides for the hate. You can’t tell me that Antifa/BLM isn’t a hate group. If you do then you’ll sacrifice all credibility.

              • Nate Trost says

                We apparently disagree that opposing genocide is itself hateful. Or that Trump assigned blame where it belonged. What a surprise. And considering this blog is basically one multi-year long documentation of George Michalopulos use of white nationalist content, ideas and viewpoints, the idea that you have any credibility in criticizing or even accurately describing groups which opposite white supremacy is laughable.

                • George Michalopulos says

                  Are you accusing me of being in favor of genocide?

                • P. Antonio Arganda says

                  “We apparently disagree that opposing genocide is itself hateful” It IS if you want to do it with truncheons and molotov cocktails. Extremism of any kind is dangerous.

                • Gail Sheppard says

                  RE: “And considering this blog is basically one multi-year long documentation of George Michalopulos use of white nationalist content, ideas and viewpoints, the idea that you have any credibility in criticizing or even accurately describing groups which opposite white supremacy is laughable.”

                  You’re a smart guy, Nate (I’m presuming you’re a guy), so why not let your arguments stand alone? It’s distracting when you consistently follow your perspective with an attack on George. Message received. You don’t like George. However, if you continue to use his site as a platform, please consider leaving him out of your posts entirely so I can reflect on your point, as opposed to your feelings. I don’t really care how you feel about George or his site. I *am* interested in your ideas. Like I said, you’re a smart guy. It’s enough to say, “I disagree with this because . . .”

              • Bonhoeffer says

                Do you blame both sides, Nazis and Greeks, for “the hate” during Η Κατοχή?

                Sounds like you don’t know that “Antifa” isn’t a thing. No such group, it’s just an abbreviation of anti-fascism. Lots of groups, from center right to pretty left, are anti-fascist — so are the vast majority of Americans unaffiliated formally with any political protest organization or off-brand party. And pretty much all Democrats.

                Since the 80s, the number of Americans killed or injured by criminals in far-right cults like the KKK, neo-nazis & white supremacists etc. is well into four figures. How many casualties of “Antifa,” or BLM?

                • George Michalopulos says

                  That’s bizarre. The words of the KKK/WS (white supremacists) are hurtful and evil but they are no more hurtful and evil than what the NOI or BLM teaches. And like flag burnings, cross-burnings, etc. they are protected by the First Amendment as several SCOTUS rulings attest.

                  So yes, there is a moral equivalence between these fringe groups. (I don’t even include the KKK anymore because that’s been so heavily infiltrated by the FBI that nobody takes it seriously anymore.)

                  As far as violence goes, BLM has perpetrated and/or enabled and/or celebrated dozens of killings of policemen over the last few years. It was just a little over a year ago that five policemen in Dallas were gunned down during a BLM rally.

                  Your assertion that “since the 80s” the number of victims of the far-right is “well into the four figures” is questionable. One way that liberals who are disturbed by the vast number of anti-American terrorist killings by the left try to sweep this fact is by always giving pride of place to Timothy McVeigh who killed 160+ people in 1995 in OKC.

                  Leftist violence/murder/mayhem is far worse than that on the far-right. Especially when you add in all the Islamic terror –which is very much a part of the anti-American left. When you add in the terror perpetrated by the Fed govt against dissident right groups such as what happened at Ruby Ridge and Waco then the numbers skew even higher.

                  And this is totally leaving out the actual non-political murder statistics put out by the FBI. Do you really want to get into speculating what the voting preferences are in this arena?

                  • Bonhoeffer says

                    That’s bizarre.

                    What’s bizarre? Be specific.

                    • George Michalopulos says

                      OK, I’ll type real slow so you can understand it.

                      1. BLM is a black supremacist group by definition. They get real mad when somebody says “All Lives Matter”.

                      2. The Nation of Islam is a black separatist AND supremacist group that believes that whites are “blue-eyed devils” who were genetically engineered on the island of Patmos six thousand years ago by an evil scientist named Yakub.

                      3. Antifa believes that they have the right to kill people who don’t agree with them (because they’re “Nazis”) and have destroyed countless of storefronts, buildings (UCLA Berkeley) and regularly pelt police with bags of urine.

                      Tell me, do you agree with this statement: “What do we want? Dead Cops!” or “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon!”?

                      A simple yes or no to the last question would be sufficient.

                  • Bonhoeffer says

                    Especially when you add in all the Islamic terror –which is very much a part of the anti-American left. {Emphasis added. Ed.}

                    And here’s another fecal specimen: marked, frozen and labeled for future pathology testing.

                    The Putin-loving, white ethno-nationalist George Michalopulos seems not to get how many millions in this nation would regard him as being well past anti-American right now. And just wait until Americans learn more about your Vova. Those numbers are going to swell dramatically.

                    Notwithstanding all that, I hope rational and informed people in the West desire greater detente with Putin’s gangsta kleptocracy. I do. Most of us realize things could be far worse for Russia than under Putin. And we certainly empathize with the challenge the current oligarchs and the FSB face from down south.

                    • George Michalopulos says

                      Vova’s da Man! You’re just mad because he threw out all those American venture capitalists who were pillaging Russia during the Yeltsin era.

                      You know, even if he was responsible for the deaths of some journalists, the numbers would still pale in comparison to all those poor souls who suffered from Arkancide.

                • George Michalopulos says

                  BTW, I’m not going to let you wiggle out of Antifa not “being a thing” but an agglomeration of several different ideologies. So too is the Alt Right. Not only are there normal conservatives who are disgusted by Neoconservatism but ethno-nationalists, civic nationalists, anarcho-capitalists, white separatists, some black separatists (!) and white supremacists.

                  Before you get on your high horse about the white supremacists, just remember that they are the mirror image of Nation of Islam and Israel-firsters. To condemn one is to condemn all; conversely to excuse one is to excuse all.

                  • Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) says

                    Is George a fascist or not? “Fascists believe that liberal democracy is obsolete, and they regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties. Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party—to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society.Fascism rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature and views political violence, war, and imperialism as means that can achieve national rejuvenation. Fascists advocate a mixed economy, with the principal goal of achieving autarky through protectionist and interventionist economic policies.”

                    • George Michalopulos says

                      Your Grace, I’ve always ascribed to Classic Liberalism (a la Jeffersonianism) in both the economic sphere and the political one. I’ve spilt tons of digital ink in that regard.

                      If that’s not obvious by now, then I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to convince you otherwise.

                    • Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) says

                      I note that George opposes none of the tenets of fascism listed. Further, perhaps when characterizing himself this way “I’ve always ascribed (!!!!!) to Classic Liberalism” he meant liberalism the same way Hitler meant socialism?

                    • George Michalopulos says

                      Your Grace, I stopped reading your response after the first sentence. I did this out of respect to you. My very public devotion to Classical Liberalism (i.e. Jeffersonianism) has been clearly on display since the inception of this Blog.

                      If that’s not a repudiation of Fascism, Socialism or Communism then nothing I say will convince you otherwise.

                    • Gail Sheppard says

                      Big brother may be watching. . .

                    • Someone Else says

                      Your Grace, honestly it’s liberals who believe that democracy is obsolete to the point where they will no longer accept any process as “legitimate” unless their candidate wins. They not only seek but BELIEVE in a one party state and they think nothing of throwing bottles, lighting fires, blocking traffic, yelling and screaming and generally making a nuisance of themselves to remain in control. The only stability and orderliness they know is that which is provided for them, as they are incapable of operating independently. They regularly use strong-arm tactics to promote their agenda against their fellow citizens. They want a mixed economy with the goal of giving everything to everyone for free. They are fiscally irresponsible and cannot understand that resources are finite. On a global scale, they have an aversion to protecting our country’s best interests, holding to the belief that if something is hard or will make waves, it should be avoided. They tend to be over-educated, under achievers who fear self-sufficiency. They don’t have a protectionist bone in their body, giving rise to new phenomena like “baby daddies” and “teen moms.” They employ an exhaustive list of interventionist economic policies designed to reward those who contribute the least. Maintaining their delusion of “goodness” drives their agenda. They avoid tangible, legitimate threats, believing a good chorus of kumbaya will solve everything. They create more work for those who actually do the work and demand a generous portion of the wages to sustain themselves. They believe in a public health system that requires sober minded citizens to expose themselves to body searches (physical exams) and allow for the injection of controversial vaccines (necessitated by the rise of diseases we thought we had eradicated) due to their unwillingness to control our borders, into our body without regard to the specific need, efficacy or potential harm they may do, just so someone can go to work and earn a living. If a citizen refuses, they are ostracized and forced to wear masks around their co-workers. They require you to be radiated (chest X-rays) and drug tested annually and refuse you employment if you fail to follow the orders of a marginal physician (in many cases a PA) in a walk-in clinic who graduated at the bottom of his or her class. (Personally going through all this now. It’s bizarre to be entrusted with implementing programs to protect the health of others when, as an employee, I cannot not be entrusted to take care of my own health.) It’s 1984 in spades. Our eroding freedoms don’t concern them as long as they remain the elite. They solidify and legitimize unworkable solutions to difficult problems. Their sense of entitlement drives their every decision. Their lack of self-awareness and disregard for consequences is staggering. – Most of us just want to work and earn a decent living but that’s getting harder and harder to do so we’re forced to step in and be the parent for awhile. All this whining is falling on deaf ears. You all are going on one long, big “time out” until you can wipe your face, put on a smile and come out and join the rest of us.

                    • Bonhoeffer says

                      Your Grace, to clear up this controversy, maybe George could read this “Handy 14-Point Guide To Identify Fascist Leaders” and tell us which of the points he doesn’t “ascribe to.” But I’m thinking it’s pretty much check, check, check, all the way down!

                      I hope you are well, Vladykho. Please pray for me, a sinner!

                      Handy 14-Point Guide To Identify Fascist Leaders
                      Reprinted with permission from AlterNet.

                      In 1995, Umberto Eco, the late Italian intellectual giant and novelist most famous for The Name of the Rose, wrote a guide describing the primary features of fascism. As a child, Eco was a loyalist of Mussolini, an experience that made him quick to detect the markers of fascism later in life, when he became a revered public intellectual and political voice. Eco noted that fascism looks different in each incarnation, morphing with time and leadership, as “it would be difficult for [it] to reappear in the same form in different historical circumstances.” It is a movement without “quintessence.” Instead, it’s a sort of “fuzzy totalitarianism, a collage of different philosophical and political ideas, a beehive of contradictions,” he wrote.

                      Eco’s famous 14-point list outlines what the author dubbed “Ur-Fascism, or Eternal Fascism”—and it fits hand in glove the political persona created by Donald Trump. Hours after 60 million Americans voted to give the presidency to a dangerously incompetent narcissist whose campaign was based on nativist fear-mongering and racist appeals, British historian Simon Schama lamented that Trump’s newly sealed win would “hearten fascists all over the world.” Sure enough, congratulations poured in from far-right admirers around the world, who recognized Trump as one of their ilk.

                      Throughout the campaign, comparisons of Trump to fascist leaders have been treated as unserious and even irresponsible. Now, as we watch him assemble a cabinet of frightening far-right nationalists, white supremacists, militarists, and free-marketeers, Eco’s list emerges as a must-read.

                      1. The cult of tradition.

                      Remind me when America was great, again? Was it during the eras of native people genocide, slavery, black lynchings as white entertainment, Japanese-American internment, or Jim Crow?

                      Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” is an expression of longing for an America in which black folks knew their place and gay people didn’t dare leave the closet; when the country’s residents and immigrants were whiter and almost uniformly Christian; when identity politics (which we have had since this country’s founding) centered on white male identity. The slogan is often coupled with Trump’s promise to “take back our country,” implying it has been stolen by the blacks, the browns and the gays. The Republican Party has been playing to white America’s nostalgia for unvarnished racism and sock hops for decades (Ronald Reagan also promised to “make America great again”), but Trump took the subtle racism of the phrase and married it to naked bigotry and xenophobia, which are also long-standing American traditions.

                      2. Rejection of modernism.

                      Eco points out that this is not a rejection of modern technology, as much as modern ideas and thinking. “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity,” Eco writes. “In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.”

                      Trump denies the scientific truth of climate change, once tweeting it was “created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” More recently he labeled it “bunk” and possibly a conspiracy dreamed up by scientists, and has vowed to pull out of the Paris Climate Accords. He’s pro-fracking and anti-environmental regulations that protect the ozone layer but make his hair spray less effective. Trump has also pushed the discredited link between vaccination and autism, and appointed advisers who favor cuts to both NASA and the National Institutes of Health, which funds critical biomedical research.

                      Vice President-elect Mike Pence is a fervent denier of science and a religious zealot. He has taken a wait-and-see attitude on evolution and advocated for teaching intelligent design and creationism in schools. In a 2000 op-ed he wrote that “smoking doesn’t kill,” and penned a 2009 op-ed against embryonic stem cell use. Pence has written that global warming is a “myth,” that the earth is cooling and that there is “growing skepticism” among scientists about climate change—all the literal opposite of the truth. He also opted to pray instead of immediately changing a law that would have stunted the spread of HIV, resulting in the worst HIV outbreak in Indiana history.

                      Other modern concepts eschewed by Trump include multiculturalism, religious diversity, reproductive justice, civil rights for all, and other American ideals—in name, if not in deed—his followers have dismissively labeled “political correctness.”

                      3. The cult of action for action’s sake.

                      Eco writes that “action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.” This attitude goes hand in hand with “distrust of the intellectual world.” He continues, “The official Fascist intellectuals were mainly engaged in attacking modern culture and the liberal intelligentsia for having betrayed traditional values.”

                      Anti-intellectualism and pride in idiocy—and disdain for complexity—are trademarks of today’s Republican ideology. In this light, educated elites are the enemies of salt of the earth, hard-working (white) Americans. Their hatred of Obama was paired with disdain for what they view as his “effete snob[bery]” and proclivity for lattes and arugula.

                      Ironically, in their quest to overthrow the coastal elite establishment, Trump voters elected a billionaire, coastal elite, establishmentarian, Ivy League graduate (as he constantly reminds us). Trump, perhaps recognizing that many in his base hate the visible professional class while worshipping the out-of-sight rich, simultaneously boasted about his wealth and pedigree while boosting his own anti-intellectualism. He patronizingly gushed about loving “the poorly educated.” He told the Washington Post he has “never” read much because he makes decisions based on “very little knowledge…because I have a lot of common sense.”

                      Since winning the election, Trump has waived the daily intelligence briefings that far better prepared and knowledgeable predecessors made time for, despite his being the first president with no experience in government or the military. He hasn’t bothered to contact the State Department before getting on calls with foreign leaders which threaten to overturn decades of political protocol. He has steadfastly refused to the learn the basics of domestic or foreign policy—or the Constitution—seemingly believing he can just go with the flow.

                      4. Opposition to analytical criticism; disagreement is treason.

                      Trump attempts to quell the slightest criticism or dissent with vitriol and calls for violence. On the campaign trail, Trump encouraged his base’s mob mentality, promising to “pay for the legal fees” if they would “knock the crap” out of protesters. He gushed about “the old days” when protesters would be “carried out on a stretcher.”

                      When the media finally began taking a critical tone after giving him billions in criticism-free press, Trump declared his real opponent was the “crooked press.” He pettily stripped reporters of press credentials when they wrote something he didn’t like, referred to individual reporters “as ‘scum,’ ‘slime,’ ‘dishonest’ and ‘disgusting,’” and claimed he would “open up” libel laws so he could sue over unfavorable—though not erroneous—coverage. In the latter stages of the campaign, Trump supporters took to berating the media with shouts of “lügenpresse,” a German phrase popular with Nazis that translates as “lying press.” Some Trump supporters also sported T-shirts suggesting journalists should be lynched.

                      Since the election, instead of boning up on policy, the thin-skinned president-elect has tweeted outrage at satirical comedy shows, Broadway actors and various media outlets, stating he would leave them alone if they were only nicer to him. Trump has also used social media to complain about protesters who oppose his presidency. That includes a tweet suggesting flag burning, a First Amendment right and fair game for expression of dissent, should carry a penalty of jail time or loss of citizenship.

                      5. Exploiting and exacerbating the natural fear of difference.

                      “The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders,” Eco notes. “Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.”

                      Before he officially threw his hat into the ring, Trump courted bigots and racists furious about Obama’s wins by pushing the birther lie and attempting to delegitimize the first black president. The only coherent policy proposals Trump made during his run were those that appealed to white racial resentments, promising to end Muslim immigration, build a wall along the southern border to keep Mexicans out and retweeting white nationalists’ made-up statistics about black criminality. The cornerstone of Trump’s campaign was fear and bigotry, making him the preferred candidate of the KKK, David Duke and the white nationalist “alt-right.” Trump supporters have repeatedly denied that racism and xenophobia motivated their votes, but more than 900 hate crimes documented since the election suggest some correlation. So does the frequency with which Trump’s name appears in racist graffiti and is shouted by perpetrators of hate crimes.

                      6. Appeal to a frustrated middle class.

                      Eco writes that fascism reaches out to “a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.”

                      Economic anxiety played a far smaller role in the election than the media has suggested; in fact, middle and upper-class white voters put Trump over the top. That said, Trump made overt appeals to whites who believe the American Dream is not so much slipping from their grasp as being snatched away by undeserving immigrants and other perceived outsiders. Trump made impossible promises to return manufacturing jobs and restore class and social mobility to a group of people nervous about falling down rungs on the ladder.

                      Trump, who immediately began hiring entrenched members of the Wall Street and Washington establishments he ran against and whose policies will largely benefit the very wealthy, took a page out of a Democrat’s book with this approach: “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket,” President Lyndon B. Johnson famously stated. “Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

                      7. Obsession with a plot, possibly an international one.

                      “To people who feel deprived of a clear social identity,” Eco writes, “their only privilege is the most common one, to be born in the same country. This is the origin of nationalism. Besides, the only ones who can provide an identity to the nation are its enemies. Thus at the root of the Ur-Fascist psychology there is the obsession with a plot, possibly an international one.”

                      Trump obviously appealed to racial and religious nationalist sentiments among a majority of white Americans by scapegoating Mexican and Muslim immigrants on issues of crime, job losses and terrorism. He pushed the idea that he would “put America first,” suggesting that Hillary Clinton would favor other nations over the U.S.

                      “Under a Trump administration, no American citizen will ever again feel that their needs come second to the citizens of foreign countries,” Trump said, during one speech in April. “My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people and American security first.”

                      Trump also propagated conspiracies by right-wing figures such as Alex Jones and Michael Savage which hold that globalism, aka the New World Order, threatens American interests. Former Trump spokesperson Hope Hicks defined the idea as, “An economic and political ideology which puts allegiance to international institutions ahead of the nation-state; seeks the unrestricted movement of goods, labor and people across borders; and rejects the principle that the citizens of a country are entitled to preference for jobs and other economic considerations as a virtue of their citizenship.”

                      The New York Times writes that the “term encapsulates a conspiratorial worldview based on racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism.”

                      8. Followers must feel humiliated by the ostentatious wealth and force of their enemies.

                      Trump conjured up a vision of America in a downward spiral, a nation fallen from its lofty position in the world to one deserving of shame and ridicule. He spent much of the campaign telling Americans they weren’t just losing, but had become the butt of an embarrassing worldwide joke.

                      In fact, since 1987, Trump has claimed more than 100 times that various entities are laughing at the U.S. The Washington Post tallied Trump’s quotes, and found that the parties he claims are mocking us include China (35 times), Mexico (five times), terrorists (three times), Russia (five times) and the entire rest of the world (28 times).

                      “We don’t win anymore, whether it’s ISIS or whether it’s China with our trade agreements,” Trump announced in an early campaign speech. “No matter what it is, we don’t seem to have it.”

                      “We have an enemy in the Middle East that’s chopping off heads and drowning people in massive steel cages, OK?” Trump said in an interview in March. “We have an enemy that doesn’t play by the laws. You could say laws, and they’re laughing. They’re laughing at us right now.”

                      9. Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. It is bad because life is permanent warfare.

                      For Trump, this holds true in both his personal and political lives. “If you look at wars over the years—and I study wars—my life is war,” Trump told Bill O’Reilly in an interview last year. It’s an odd view for someone who was given five draft deferments during the Vietnam War, but it jibes with Eco’s point.

                      Fellow billionaire Richard Branson recounts a story in which Trump said he would “spend the rest of his life destroying the lives” of people he felt had betrayed him. In The Art of the Deal, Trump bragged, “I love getting even.” A perpetual victim, Trump spends time he could dedicate to learning the ropes of his new job on social media, sniping at perceived enemies. He is vicious and vengeful, a man you can famously “bait with a tweet,” who views himself as perpetually under attack, engaged in battle with advancing forces. Hair-trigger tempers are not great assets for heads of state.

                      Trump has made expansion of the U.S military a primary aim, putting the country in a perpetually defensive stance. In the past, he has reportedly demanded to know why the U.S. shouldn’t use its nuclear weapons. In the weeks since the election, he has filled his cabinet with war hawks. On the campaign trail, Trump said his generals would have 30 days following his election to put together “a plan for soundly and quickly defeating ISIS.” The Center for Strategic and International Studies predicts that military spending under Trump may increase by $900 billion over the next decade.

                      “I’m gonna build a military that’s gonna be much stronger than it is right now,” Trump told CNN. “It’s gonna be so strong, nobody’s gonna mess with us.”

                      10. Popular elitism.

                      Eco writes that under Ur-Fascism, “Every citizen belongs to the best people of the world, the members of the party are the best among the citizens…Since the group is hierarchically organized (according to a military model), every subordinate leader despises his own underlings, and each of them despises his inferiors. This reinforces the sense of mass elitism.”

                      Trump repeatedly hails himself as the best. He has the best words, the best ideas, the best campaign, the best gold-plated penthouse, the best of all the best of the best things. Trump and his nationalist followers believe that America is the greatest country that has ever existed. That somehow makes Americans the best people on Earth, by dint of birth. In keeping with a long-standing right-wing lie about patriotism and love of country, conservatives are the best Americans, and Trump supporters are the best of all.

                      Eco writes that “aristocratic and militaristic elitism cruelly implies contempt for the weak.” Trump biographer Michael D’Antonio has written that Trump’s father instilled in his son that “most people are weaklings,” and thus don’t deserve respect. Trump, who has earned a reputation as a lifelong bully in both his public and private lives, has consistently bemoaned America’s weakness, resulting from the reign of weak cultural elites.

                      11. Everybody is educated to become a hero.

                      Trump’s base believes itself to be the last of a dying (white) breed of American heroes, enduring multiculturalism and political correctness to speak truth to the powerful elites and invading hordes of outsiders who have marginalized and oppressed them, or taken what’s rightfully theirs.

                      Eco writes that “this cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death…the Ur-Fascist hero craves heroic death, advertised as the best reward for a heroic life. The Ur-Fascist hero is impatient to die. In his impatience, he more frequently sends other people to death.”

                      Though Trump has downplayed his war designs, he talks a big game about taking out ISIS, and is backed by advisers who have been vocal in denigrating Islam. If Trump does ever enter any kind of armed conflict, Eco’s prediction may prove true. Only time will tell.

                      12. Transfer of will to power to sexual matters.

                      “This is the origin of machismo (which implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality),” Eco writes.

                      We are well acquainted with Trump’s machismo, which like all machismo, is inseparable from his loudly broadcast misogyny. This is a man who defended the size of his penis in the middle of a nationally televised political debate. For 30 years, including the 18 months of his campaign, Trump has consistently reduced women to their looks or what he deems the desirability of their bodies, including when talking about his own daughter, whom he constantly reminds us he would be dating if not for incest laws. Trump has been particularly vicious to women in the media, tweeting insults their way, suggesting they’re having their periods when they ask questions he doesn’t like, and verbally attacking them at rallies and inviting his supporters to follow suit. There’s also that notorious leaked 2005 recording of Trump discussing grabbing women by the genitalia, which was followed by a stream of women accusing him of sexual assault.

                      13. Selective populism.

                      “Since no large quantity of human beings can have a common will,” Eco writes, “the Leader pretends to be their interpreter…There is in our future a TV or internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.”

                      Eco’s two-decade-old prediction is uncanny. Trump, a fixture on social media and reality television, has mastered a kind of TV and internet populism that makes his voice one with the angry masses of his base. At the Republican National Convention, after a rant about the terrible, dystopian shape of the country, he designated himself the nation’s sole savior.

                      “I am your voice,” Trump said. “No one knows the system better than me. Which is why I alone can fix it.”

                      Trump has also declared he knows more than anyone else about a range of things, from tax laws to renewables to Facebook to Cory Booker (who he said he knows more about than Booker himself). He grants himself the supreme knowledge to make important statements and decisions on topics he has never studied.

                      Eco adds, “Because of its qualitative populism Ur-Fascism must be against ‘rotten’ parliamentary governments….Wherever a politician casts doubt on the legitimacy of a parliament because it no longer represents the Voice of the People, we can smell Ur-Fascism.”

                      Is there any more vivid example of Eco’s example than Trump’s repeated contention that the election was rigged? Trump painted himself as the savior of a people who could no longer rely on rich, powerful politicians. Save for him, of course.

                      14. The use of Newspeak.
                      “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning,” Eco writes. “But we must be ready to identify other kinds of Newspeak, even if they take the apparently innocent form of a popular talk show.”

                      From the beginning, Trump’s supporters praised him as a “straight shooter” who “tells it like it is.” He sprinkled his rally speeches with swear words and rambled instead of sticking to a script or following a teleprompter. Within months, his Republican opponents were trying to follow his lead, but without the same wholesale disregard for gentility or convention. Trump picked up followers who equated his unpreparedness and empty rhetoric with authenticity.

                      “There is a defiance in the language which is part of his schtick,” Allan Louden, a Wake Forest University professor of political communication told the Toronto Star. “Less formal language signals one is an ‘outsider’ from the ones cussed out, an attribute golden in this election cycle.”

                      Trump also kept his sentences short and his words to as few syllables as possible. He repeated words he wanted to drive home, and punctuated his speech with phrases meant to have maximum effect. In lots of cases, a single quote contained multiple contradictory statements. The takeaway from a Trump speech was whatever the listener wanted to hear, which turned out to be a winning strategy.

                      -Kali Holloway is a senior writer and the associate editor of media and culture at AlterNet.
                      Copyright 2016 The National Memo

                    • George Michalopulos says

                      Clearly you don’t know that Fascism was Mussolini’s version of Leninism.

                  • Mariam Visagio says

                    Thank you, George, for speaking sense, which is sorely lacking nowadays!!

                  • Bonhoeffer says

                    What is it that you’re you not going to let me “wiggle out of,” exactly? That’s rich.
                    Be specific.

                    I educated you on a simple fact about the meaning of a sloppy bit of dissident jargon out there, one that was also misused by you in a typically clumsy and ignorant way.

                    Answer this question: the fiasco Kessler organized in Charlottesville was called “Unify the Right.” Do you think of yourself as part of this “Right”?

                    • George Michalopulos says

                      It’s called free speech Mike. It’s guaranteed in the Constitution. Look it up.

                      As for Bannon, he was a spent force but his ideas are still good. Even when they’re not good they’re interesting. Three years ago he met with several Vatican theologians and broached the subject of a non-usury based financial system. The Russian Orthodox Church is looking into something along these lines. As for me, I’m all in. If Moses, Plato, Aristotle and Jesus condemned usury we should seriously reconsider our present bondage to it.

                    • George,
                      Instead of defining yourself as a “Classical Liberal,” why not simply be an Orthodox Christian? Were the Apostles “Classical Liberals?”

                    • George Michalopulos says

                      I was defending my politico-economic bona fides at least as far as American republicanism is concerned.

            • Gail Sheppard says


              RE: “The problem with people like Gail Sheppard is a common one, she equates group supremacy movements with equality movements. Saying “hey, this isn’t a level playing field!” isn’t the same as “hey, you don’t deserve to be on the field in the first place!”

              This is a free country, Nate, and neither of us gets to decide who “deserves” to be on the playing field. These groups ARE equal to the degree that citizens are entitled to free speech. That’s just a reality. I’m not buying into anything here. You’re the one buying into the myth that there is a “right” way to think and live and there is a “wrong” way to think and live and that you know the difference. I may even agree with you, but we live in a free country so what we think doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.

              The problem is, some groups are MORE equal than others and some of these groups aren’t even citizens. This pisses people off and when groups of people get pissed off, it brings out the “crazies” who kill people.

              We’ve got to LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD by treating all *citizens* (non-citizens are entitled to nothing), equally, and not letting some get away with what others wouldn’t even dream of. We need to do away with preferential treatment, although I realize taking special considerations away from these people will piss them off even more than they already are and they, too, have a lot of “crazies” in their midst.

              This is definitely a two-sided issue.

              • Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) says

                Orthodox Christian compartmentalized contribution to our society: “non-citizens are entitled to nothing.”

                • Gail Sheppard says

                  So now we’re taking statements out of context and commenting on them, Your Grace? That seems like a supreme waste of time, doesn’t it? Non-citizens are not entitled to have a place on the playing field.

              • Nate Trost says

                Gail Sheppard wrote
                You’re the one buying into the myth that there is a “right” way to think and live and there is a “wrong” way to think and live and that you know the difference

                I’m sorry you think it’s a myth that I can take a moral position against Nazis.

                Gail Sheppard wrote
                We’ve got to LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD by treating all *citizens*, equally

                I….think you just joined the Black Lives Matter movement?

                • George Michalopulos says

                  Careful there, BLM doesn’t believe that “all” lives matter. Not at all.

                  Thought experiment you might consider: what if I started a movement that was called Greek Lives Matter? Or a movement called Ho Genos (the race)? Would that be ok with you?

                • Gail Sheppard says

                  I didn’t join any group, Nate. I don’t believe in groups. Surprised you didn’t pick that up.

                  • Bonhoeffer says

                    BLM is mainly about persuading some police departments to minimize extra-judicial killings of young black men. For a recent example, the 1,134 deaths of black Americans in 2015. About 10 times the number of white men killed that year in encounters with policemen.

                    Actually, lots of us in the group of Americans who want to see far fewer police shootings. (These are very, very rare in Western Europe.) But Gail says she doesn’t believe in groups. Even though she’s an Orthodox Christian, which is a group. OK.


                    • George Michalopulos says

                      It’s funny how all their “persuasion” results in the murders of innocent cops.

                    • Gail Sheppard says

                      Bonhoeffer, now *you’re* taking what I said out of context. Let’s be clear and stay on topic: We’ve been talking about groups that litter the political landscape and as a result of their existence, cause political unrest and violence. I’m not part of those groups and if you equate being an Orthodox Christian as being on par with BLM or Neo-Nazis, you’re out of your freakin mind. Last I checked, my family, my Church, my group of friends, my Facebook group, my Country Club group, my workgroup . . . have not come under scrutiny for any of the things we’ve been talking about with the possible exception of some of the members of my jurisdiction. Sadly, there are those who have stirred the pot and continue to resort to mayhem to feed their delusion that they are still relevant. They are thugs just like the rest of the “crazies” who cause violence.

              • Two sided if you forget we crushed the Nazis in the 40s.

                Weak, lame, sad response.

                And you guys thought he was tough. Oops.

                • George Michalopulos says

                  Tell me, what role did the Russians play in the defeat of Hitler?

                  • Joseph Lipper says

                    Donald Trump knows that fear is a powerful manipulator. With most of his original stated domestic agendas now dead in the water, I believe the only way that Donald Trump can survive is by instilling fear.

                    We are already seeing an increasing focus on military and military objectives. I don’t think Donald Trump will resign. No, I fully expect him to go to war. If he can’t make “America Great Again” at home, then he will make “America Great Again” abroad by going to war.

                    • Michael Bauman says

                      Trump instilling fear? Really? If he does he will have learned from the Democrts.

                      Honestly, our entire society is manipulated by fear–as mean a fear as bad breath up to global warming and a Christian theocracy. We already live in a state of fear. Trump won because he refused to follow the same path as Ms. Hillary and her threats against the deplorables like me.

                  • Yes, you are right. People don’t realize the Soviet Union defeated Hitler with the help of Great Britain and the US. They also don’t know the reason Japan surrendered unconditionally was because the Soviet Union declared war on Japan.

                    • George Michalopulos says

                      Cyprian, you do and that means something. Now I wish our Ruling Class did. But they don’t or they don’t care.

                    • Gail Sheppard says

                      Cyprian, you know your history. I recently watched a documentary about how Hitler’s troops took mescaline and other drugs. Amphetamine and methamphetamine were purportedly used by both the Allied and Axis forces, as well. I can see how the stimulant and performance-enhancing effects of these drugs might help with the “fighting.” The potential fallout from the impairment is frightening, though. I wonder if they still do this. I have had two guys (one from Vietnam and one from Afganistan) tell me that drugs are still used.

                    • Thank you, Gail, for the kind words. Coming from one of my two favorite posters (Dr, Stankovich being the other) that means a lot.

                    • George Michalopulos says

                      Cyprian, I lost track of a thread regarding something Gail said and somebody who I can’t remember responded to; thus, if I may piggy-back on your comment, I’d like to respond to that commentator.

                      I’ve never “convinced” Gail (or anybody else for that matter) about anything. If anybody here thinks that they can convince Mrs Sheppard about anything they’ve got another thing coming! If anything, her writings have encouraged me to rethink the collapse of the modern society: at one time I thought that feminism was the chief culprit but thanks to her I now believe that feminism was the inevitable result of the sexual revolution ushered in by Kinsey and Hefner a good decade before the first harridan refused to shave her legs and burned her bra in the public square.

                      Seriously there are people on this blog who think my opinions are the bees knees, others think that they are written in pig’s urine, yet others don’t care one way or the other. But most everybody who opines on Monomakhos appears to me to be a solid person, resolute in his own beliefs.

                  • George Michalopulos says

                    Re the Russian role in defeating Hitler and our ignominious absence from the 70th anniversary of this event: it’s a truly sad day when Stan the Man is the only sane voice in the room in this regard. So wrong on some much but so right as far as Russia’s role in Hitler’s defeat.


                    • Estonian Slovak says

                      Going to disagree with you here, George. Russia did not defeat Hitler because Russia had disappeared from the globe some 28 years earlier. For the Russian people, it was the defeat of one cruel dictator by another one. I sometimes wish General Patton had gotten his way. When he said, “I’ll get us a war with these SOB’S in ten days and make it look like their fault,” I’m sure he could have pulled it off, though I don’t know that he could have made it look like their fault.
                      Apparently, the Soviets believed he could do it, that’s why I’m sure they had a hand in bumping him off.
                      No question that Hitler was an evil man and had to be defeated. But we allowed Stalin to occupy Eastern Europe when we had the bomb and he didn’t. It bugs me that to this day many Russians who are devout church-going people, who confess and commune and even generate the Royal Martyrs, continue to laud Stalin as a liberater.

                    • Estonian Slovak says

                      Venerate, not generate.

                    • Yes the Russian/Soviet people had a large role in Hitler’s defeat. But let’s not forget that Demon Stalin gave Hitler the green light to invade Poland, slice it up and thus WW2 began, with the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact.Hitler then invades Russia and Stalin then proceeds to throw the Russian/Soviet people at Hitler’s forces, in hopes of Germany running out of bullets.(only half kidding)Stalin was not that bright of a leader, simply murdered, and sacrificed others to solve his problems. Almost lost it all in the battle of Stalingrad. Now to say America’s role was not as valid as The Soviets, is silly debate. The Soviets sacrificed more yes, for sure, but, both countries did contribute quite equally in terms of Hitler’s defeat. No disrespect to Great Britain’s obvious role/sacrifice as well. Not attending the parade, by Obama was just as stupid as Jimmy Carter boycotting the Soviet Olympics.

                    • Estonian, Agreed 100%
                      In fact I had debates with Misha last year, that Russia/Soviet Union would have been better off if Hitler would have defeated The Soviet Union/ Russia, and in the long run after Hitler’s defeat, a new Russia/Soviet Union would have emerged. Anything would have been better than Stalin, the mass murdering demon pig. A good portion of today’s Russians who praise, and sometimes even venerate Stalin, are no different than the leftist progs we have here, braindead.

                    • George Michalopulos says

                      Interesting analysis, Dino. I imagine that had Hitler defeated Stalin he would have left the Orthodox Church unmolested. After all, he pretty much did that in the Ukraine. (Give or take, that was/is a very messy situation ecclesially wise).

                    • Michael Bauman says

                      George no totalitarian government can leave the Church alone for long. Reality, freedom and truth must be crushed. God must be obliterated.

                      Leaders of totalitarian governments understand that human beings cannot serve two masters. Hitler would have played nice as long as he felt it in his interest.

                      Even wimppy wanna bes like Lady Hillary know that. Otherwise she would not have made her “deplorables” remark.

                      She made the mistake of showing her real hand too soon.

                    • George Michalopulos says

                      Agreed. I was just thinking aloud about the hypothetical situation as to if Hitler had defeated Stalin. The near-term consequences as it were.

                      As it was, it was because of Hitler’s invasion that Stalin had to liberate the Church to the extent that he did. Not great by any means but certainly better that what transpired under Lenin. Seriously, it was that close to extinction.

                    • Tim R. Mortiss says

                      The Hitler/Stalin comparisons have been a waste of time for at least a couple of generations now.

                      It was also a venerable leftist canard. Still works, it seems here.

      • Steve Zaris says


        Thanks for your reply and sharing your poignant story. As a father, I can imagine how difficult that must have been.

        However, the black/white distinction as to ‘pride’ is not exactly analogous for both groups. Most African-Americans are slave descendants; those circumstances didn’t permit identification with their tribes and nations in their motherland, thus no opportunity to show, e.g., Bakongo pride. Most American whites know the distinct culture from which they came. Thus the proliferation of groups like the Gaelic League, AHEPA, etc. and celebrations surrounding St. Patrick’s Day, Greek Independence Day, et al. There’s an important historical legacy that binds most blacks. Although other ethnic groups have also suffered (“No blacks, no dogs, no Irish” policies, the Omaha riot against the Greeks early in the last century), no systematic phenomenon so traumatically bound whites together.

        • George Michalopulos says

          Steve, if I may. I know about the Omaha anti-Greek pogrom. I also know of the kuklanidhes that my mother used to fret about when she was a child growing up in Oklahoma. I also know that for all the trauma shared by the Irish, Armenians and every other immigrant group there was no effort to shove identity politics down the throats of the majority or extort goodies from the Federal treasury because of past injustices.

          The BLM folks need to get over it. Otherwise, they can’t blame whites for discovering their own identity.

          • George,
            What is sad, is that these racist, on both sides are such a small percentage of our society, yet receive so much attention. Let’s hope some day we will connect, the dots with some of Hitler’s perceived Utopian goals and the leftist goals. One example is Iceland’s low rate of Dow Syndrome Babies. Not because they found a cure, but because they promote abortions for these babies once discovered in the womb. Hitler would be impressed, removing the undesirables from society!(In their view)

            Now we witness the fruits of fifty odd years of liberal leftist solutions for our black citizens. Generations of black citizens never to enjoy the rewards of self reliance. Instead, slaves to urban housing and food stamps, not to mention generations never born, victims of our abortion factories, or jailed for most of their lives. Children born from children, never to learn about good values, and enjoy a better way of life. Instead a thug life for most. Now you and are on opposite sides, in regards to Confederate leaders on display, in parks, and city centers. Just the same, tearing down statues will do nothing to change their misery. Just more bullshit on display, by the leftist, to remove Trump, and appease their bread and butter voting base. MSM throwing out their digital tissue to the flowing tears, we see on our screens. But we all know in a week, that poor young lady killed, will be forgotten by MSM, and move on to the next hit job towards Trump.

          • Steve Zaris says

            But the vestiges of racial injustice and inequality continue to take a toll (for example, here in IL, the segregation of racial communities coupled with a public educational system largely funded by local real estate taxes results in less than an even playing field for kids) and the sooner things are remedied, the better off we all are. Its in our collective interest to ‘mine’ the minds of all kids–who knows where the next surgeon, professor, lawyer or pharmacist may come from?

            • George Michalopulos says

              Steve, I imagine I’m much older than you but I actually remember segregated schools. Black children actually learned in them. Otherwise, there wouldn’t have been a viable black middle class.

              For all the inconveniences of Jim Crow, black neighborhoods and families were remarkably viable and intact. They had to be given that there was no welfare state. If you just want to look at one marker –legitimacy for example–the rate for blacks pre-1960 was 15%. Now it’s 80 percent. Read Moynihan.

              Not that it’s great shakes for whites now. Read Charles Murray’s Coming Apart. Our illegitimacy rate is 40 percent. With all the attendant pathologies.

              • Tim R. Mortiss says

                It was hardly necessary to have Jim Crow to have intact black families. We didn’t have segregated schools here (I was born in 1948). De jure, that is. There were no black kids in my elementary school, one or two in my junior high, and many in my high school, which was about 15 or 20% black then (mid-’60s), and now. (My kids and most of my grandkids went to the same high school. As did my dad, for that matter….)

                There was of course racial prejudice, but it was not virulent, and there were many interracial friendships. Racial epithets were extremely disfavored; they were absolutely forbidden in our household and that of my friends. Indeed, I never personally heard outright unadorned severe racial prejudice expressed until after I was grown.

                Of course we read about Jim Crow. I must candidly say we were uncomprehending, to put it as mildly as possible.

                • George Michalopulos says

                  I didn’t say that Jim Crow was “necessary…to have intact black families”. I was merely making an observation that during Jim Crow black families were largely “intact”. Correlation does not equal causation.

                  • Do you know what seems really bizarre to me? There is a great push to tear down Confederate statues, and to erase history. I like to watch police chases on Youtube. In one, a mixed race police officer called a young black man the n -word; the young black went ballistic, and was arrested. Now, we know young black men call each other the n- word all the time (listen to Nephew Tommy on the Steve Harvey Show), but if a white person should ever use this word, it’s katy bar the door. It seems real incongruous and schizophrenic to me. My point is this: racism on all sides is wrong. It’s wrong for black people and white people. We leave in a really strange society.

                • Gail Sheppard says

                  Tim, I’ve got to stop commenting. This is like my 5th reply and George is going to kill me but I just wanted to say that my experience (born in 1953) was similar to yours. I grew up in AZ. There were only a few black kids in our school, but racial epithets were forbidden in our households, too. There were some deep seated concerns about interracial marriages, but that was on both sides.

                  When we entered the 60s, it appeared as if all the walls were coming down. As kids, we didn’t look at black people as particularly different and were horrified at what was happening with the police in Watts and in the South, openly condemning it. Until more recently, I think I was actually color blind. This is kind of funny but when Obama was first elected, I asked my husband, “Why are all these people so emotional?” He looked at me incredulously and said, “Gail, Obama is our first black president.” I remember saying, “Oh, yeah.” That Obama was black had never occurred to me.

                  What’s concerning me now is that many black people want to turn back the clock and reverse the tables, and the rest of us are too afraid to tell them to knock it off. We’re now seeing black kids terrorize their schools and insist on having separate proms, graduations, fraternities, and sororities. One of the families I know (parents have an interracial marriage) sent their son, who was going into his senior year of high-school, to a special class at Colorado State over the summer to “learn how to be a black man.” I asked him, “Did you learn how to be a role model?” He said, “No, we learned how to stand up for our rights and resist oppression.” – This is not good.

          • Tim R. Mortiss says

            My Greek Orthodox church has been here for about 100 years. When I first read in this blog about the Omaha anti-Greek stuff, I asked around of the oldsters whether there was any such history here that they’d ever heard about. There wasn’t. There are lots of archives here I’ve looked at with local newspaper articles from the ’20s and ’30s about the Greek church, and everything seemed positive and respectful.
            It’s rather hard to figure out why folks would be against Greeks.
            There really are significant differences between parts of this country, especially back then.

            • George Michalopulos says

              The reason was because a young Greek ne’er-do-well shot a policeman in cold blood because the latter made fun of the Greek’s girlfriend.

        • Michael Bauman says

          Steve, the slave experience did leave an impact but their are positive ways of dealing with it. The ideological identity politics is not positive. Fr. Moses Berry has the most positive approach I have ever seen. If you do not know his work you should.

          It fully acknowledges the inhumanity of slavery but allows for transformation and healing. Having stood with him several times as he puts his great grandfather’s slave chains around his own neck while at the same time loving is a remarkable experience. He is free by the grace of God. Those chains no longer bind him.

          Identity politics keep folks in slavery and refuses to acknowledge our common humanity.

          Islam, touted as the black man’s faith is still heavily involved in the slave trade.

          So it remains Christ or nothing.

          • George Michalopulos says

            Bravo Mike! I for one am tired of the supposed taint that Christians are supposed to bear forever for the trans-Atlantic slave trade. It was horrible, of this there can be no doubt. But it was black Africans, Mohammedans and Sephardic Jews were the actual genesis of African slavery. As for the European slave trade, that went back all the way to the Roman Empire. Once it was Christianized there was a temporary halt to it but it was picked up again when the formerly Christian lands of the Mediterranean and the Balkans were conquered by Islam.

  2. Nate Trost says

    George Michalopulos continues his streak as The World’s Most Gullible Man.

    George Michalopulos wrote
    Back in 2008, Steph was interviewing then-candidate Obama and the latter said “…my Muslim faith”

    It takes conviction to still believe in eight-year old hoaxes.

    George Michalopulos wrote
    Thanks to the internet, we are far more sophisticated than we were back then during Watergate.

    Indeed, in 2017 you live in an Internet powered Dyson sphere of epistemic closure, to the point where it is a surprise to the reader when you accidentally make an assertion which turns out to be based in some kind of actual fact! Stopped clocks and all that.

    • George Michalopulos says

      Nate, were you hiding under a rock during the 2008 election?


      So much for the “eight year old hoax”.

      • Nate Trost says

        I spent the 2008 election season absorbing full interviews and full transcripts, not passing around selectively edited clips eight years after the fact. But of course, not only were you too lazy to fact check yourself, you were too lazy to look at my link and think to yourself “hey, maybe posting this video link is going to make me look like I’m doubling down on stupid”.

        If somebody passed around a video of Trump being edited like that, you’d write up a fire and brimstone essay about the “fundamental dishonesty of the left” or some such. But if it’s Obama, you’ll go to the mat defending the smear.

        As I’ve mentioned before, when it comes to subjects like Obama, George Michalopulos readers are best served presuming his assertions are false unless proven otherwise. And if he’s so sloppy with those topics, what exactly can we trust he bothers to get right?

        Monomakhos is certainly for entertainment purposes only.

        • George Michalopulos says

          Glad to provide it Nate. BTW, that wasn’t a “heavily edited clip”.

          • Bonhoeffer says

            You’re one of the more fundamentally dishonest human beings I’ve ever encountered. I once thought maybe your problem was just that you weren’t too bright but your glitch is clearly something worse than only that. It is infuriating that you waste the time of honest and responsible people who feel your lies and misrepresentations can’t go unchallenged. I have better things to do and I’m sure Nate does, too.

            You wrote:

            …(Back in 2008, Steph was interviewing then-candidate Obama and the latter said “…my Muslim faith” in response to a question. Steph quickly interjected: “You mean, your Christian faith, don’t you?”)

            The 2-minute thing that you just posted in “support” of your “essay’s” derpish innuendo about Obama’s alleged crypto-Islamism and pet corporate media conspiracy theory etc. was truncated from a much longer interview with George Stephanopoulos. So this is one video.

            Another, infamous video that began making the rounds years ago, fully exposed on the factcheck.org page Nate linked, was a 10-minute thing slopped together from many sources and is one of the worst examples of fraudulent video editing I’ve ever laid eyes on. This video misused an even shorter and even faker hacking from that Stephanopoulos interview. Maybe the problem is you don’t even know what editing means. Cutting a clip out of the context that would remove ambiguity (in honest minds) about a speaker’s meaning is to heavily edit it. That’s often done with malicious and/or deceptive intent. Obama’s meaning is obvious if you read the transcript and actually listen to what was said.

            …The video then gives a truncated version of an exchange between Obama and ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos from Sept. 7, 2008:

            Edited Quote — Obama: You’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith

            Full Quote — Obama: You’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith and you’re absolutely right that that has not …
            Stephanopoulos (interrupting): Your Christian faith.
            Obama: My Christian faith. Well, what I’m saying …
            Stephanopoulos (interrupting): Connections, right.
            Obama (continuing) is that he [McCain] hasn’t suggested that I’m a Muslim, and I think that his campaign upper echelons have not either. What I think is fair to say is that coming out of the Republican camp, there have been efforts to suggest that perhaps I’m not what who I say I am when it comes to my faith, something which I find deeply offensive, and that has been going on for a pretty long time.

            The reference to “my Muslim faith” was widely described at the time as a gaffe. The Washington Times reported it as a “slip of the tongue.” By leaving out the words “my Christian faith,” the video[the 10-minute hack] dishonestly attempts to reverse the meaning of what Obama was saying.

            It wasn’t a gaffe or a slip of the tongue. Obama’s meaning was clear. You’re a liar also trying to reverse Obama’s meaning. You have that in common with the perpetrators of the 10-minute deza op. Interesting how often your memes and lies correspond precisely to Putinist disinformation ops.

            • George Michalopulos says

              Now you’re hurting my feelings, Mike. I don’t know what my IQ is so you may be right about that –but even on this point you’re probably wrong. 😉

              Helpful hint: just because we come from different ends of the political spectrum doesn’t mean that either of us is necessarily stupid. Take a deep breath.

              • Bonhoeffer says

                Dunning-Kruger effect incarnate.

                You’re an ignorant, low-grade, Putinist disinformation operative/useful idiot with startling delusions of adequacy. You’re somewhere out in the longer-wave, deep infra-red. Feeling the heat yet?

                I’m run-of-the-mill American centrist.

                • George Michalopulos says

                  Totally feeling the love Mike.

                  • Bonhoeffer says

                    Speaking the truth in love can be a daunting challenge even for the Seraphim in certain cases, I think. But speaking the truth is better than nothing.

                    • With some, it’s easier to let them simply dig their own graves. Ramble on….

                    • Gail Sheppard says

                      Here’s the truth for you, Bonhoeffer:

                      Friday, August 18, 2017

                      The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America
                      Response to Racist Violence in Charlottesville, VA

                      The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America stands with all people of good will in condemning the hateful violence and lamenting the loss of life that resulted from the shameful efforts to promote racial bigotry and white supremacist ideology in Charlottesville, Virginia.

                      The Orthodox Church emphatically declares that it does not promote, protect or sanction participation in such reprehensible acts of hatred, racism, and discrimination, and proclaims that such beliefs and behaviors have no place in any community based in respect for the law and faith in a loving God.

                      The essence of the Christian Gospel and the spirit of the Orthodox Tradition are entirely and self-evidently incompatible with ideologies that declare the superiority of any race over another. Our God shows no partiality or favoritism (Deuteronomy 10:17, Romans 2:11). Our Lord Jesus Christ broke down the dividing wall of hostility that had separated God from humans and humans from each other (Ephesians 2:14). In Christ Jesus, the Church proclaims, there can be neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male or female, but all are one (Galatians 3:28). Furthermore, we call on one another to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather to expose them (Ephesians 5:11). And what is darkness if not hatred? The one who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness (1 John 2:11)!

                      Furthermore, in 1872, Hierarchs from around the world assembled in Constantinople and denounced all forms of xenophobia and chauvinism (phyletism). They agreed that the promotion of racial or national supremacy and ethnic bias or dissension in the Church of Christ is to be censured as contrary to the sacred teachings of the Christian Gospel and the holy canons of the Church. It is formally condemned as heresy, the strongest category of false teaching.

                      Finally, such actions as we have witnessed in recent days, by self-proclaimed white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and various racists and fascists, betray the core human values of love and solidarity. In this, we pray wholeheartedly for the families of those who lost their lives or suffered in these tragic events. In like manner, we cannot condone any form of revenge or retaliation by any group or individual. Therefore, we fervently appeal to every person of good will, and especially the leaders of our great nation, to consider and adopt ways of reconciling differences in order to rise above any and all discrimination in our history, our present, and our future.

                • George Michalopulos says

                  You know, for somebody who claims to understand history, you’re definitely missing the broader picture:


            • Gail Sheppard says


              If you and Nate have “better things to do,” please go do them. I do not like backhanded compliments. As one of the presumably “honest and responsible people” who don’t feel the need to challenge George, I recognize that George is entitled to his opinions and though we don’t always agree, I have never felt the need to put his opinions or statements of facts in the same category as “lies and misrepresentations.” But then I am not insecure. George is free to say whatever he damn well pleases (it IS his blog). The rest of us are free to respond or not. He has extended the same courtesy to you. If you are so enraged that you cannot contain your vitriol for George, this is not a good place for you. Feel free to move on, B. We’ll be fine, I promise you.

              • Bonhoeffer says

                Did you watch that video, George? You had better watch it.

                • George Michalopulos says

                  I did, The Bamster said “…my Muslim faith.”

                  • Joseph Lipper says


                    Let me tell you all about my own personal Muslim faith:

                    It doesn’t exist, because I’m a Christian and not Muslim.


                    Is it even possible for a Muslim to claim that he is also a Christian?

                    • George Michalopulos says

                      You’re missing the point, I never said that Obama was a Mohammedan. He said those words to Stephanopoulos. I didn’t put them in his mouth. And of course others like Hillary Clinton imputed that he was not a “real” Christian.

                  • Nate Trost says

                    If the broader context of a snippet of a quote is irrelevant for its interpretation, then the time George Michalopulos said “…the barbarous races of the world” must be a confession of a belief in white supremacy!

                    But seriously, any reasonable person would admit that Obama did not accidentally confess a Muslim religion, or even make a gaff and say it by mistake, but was rather talking about the accusations coming from people like George Michalopulos that he had a Muslim faith. That George Stephanopoulos is a bit of a dim bulb ain’t Obama’s fault.

                    But then, maybe George Michalopulos, who loved to say ‘Imam Obama’, and refer to the First Lady as a man isn’t exactly reasonable.

                  • Bonhoeffer says

                    That ended up in the wrong thread queue. This video, the one I suggested Gail needed to watch.

                  • Bonhoeffer says

                    I know you well enough by now to be almost certain you didn’t even bother to look at the factcheck.org’s explanation and rebuttal of this fraudulent meme. Obama’s meaning was perfectly obvious: he was saying that, while McCain himself hadn’t been misleading people, claiming Obama was a Muslim and denying his Christian faith, others in the GOP and in McCain’ss campaign were doing that. So you’re just spreading lies again, and you know it. Your tactic is trying to hide behind your very well-attested dimness to CYA. One of the typical MOs of the lower-grade Putinist agents of influence.

                    I no longer give you the benefit of the doubt. You often spread lies consciously. Your motto: “Let us do evil, that good may come!”
                    God help you.

      • Then there was “pastor” Rick Warren’s invocation at Obama’s inauguration:


        “Isa”! The Muslim “Jesus” who has no resemblance to Jesus in the Four Gospels. In fact Islamic eschatology, an account I have come across before depicts “Isa” as wielding a cross not a rosy picture without any further ado.

  3. You’re hardly a chump George, we simply understand that we only get one President every four years. Seeking him harm or failure, is unpatriotic. Our President’s failure becomes our own as a nation. Those we see on the streets of whatever race, rioting, and protesting don’t care for a Democratic Republic, at best were witnessing far left socialist, at worse racist anarchist. They fear the hand outs might end, and believe their failures in their own lives are because of another race. Must be nice smoking pot all day,and, or drinking Southern Comfort and cheap beer,hanging out with friends and hook ups all day, looking for the next protest, riot, or cross burning to attend. The deep state no different, they see the meal ticket threatened as well, and are willing to threaten national security. Those are the chumps, and traitors George. One day they will go too far with the riots, or leak too much, and it will be too late for us all. Meanwhile the rest of us law abiding hamsters spinning on our wheels hoping the best for our families, church, and country. Too busy for protests, we got bills to pay. The average American will always pay the nation’s bills, and yet are the first to be ignored and look down upon. In the old days the queers called us breeders, now they want to breed as well, with a little help from a friend, or science. In the old days wearing a cross didn’t get one dirty looks. Slowly the cross one day will be look down upon as the Confederate flag is now. Try putting a memorial cross up on urban California Freeways, and wait for the screams. In the old days the Confederate flag was a flag of southern pride, now it flies side by side with the Nazi flag. Like it or not Good Southerners let their flag fall to racist, and neo -nazis, and thus, now, the statues of the South represent racism as well. Christians are next. BLM was ok for Obama and Clinton, to align with, but Trump must condemn not by his own words, but the media’s choice of words. Sorry but most of us don’t want to play by the media’s word speak any longer, most Americans know right from wrong, and are tired of being force fed the morality of the media, most Democrats, and Hollywood. Well Trump got their attention, didn’t he/we! So now last resort is “Kill this guy”! God forbid!

    The media understands the good natured side of the middle class and plays us with guilt trips, and toys with our patriotism. Trump/ Russia partnership, racism, uninsured in the streets left to die, splitting up Hispanic families, Muslim intolerance, and now the new one, Alt-right/White Power/Neo-Nazi groups, so called alliance with Trump. Trump never has and never will play the media’s game of jump thru the hoops, and say what the media expects, why should he. One, it won’t do him or the nation any good, and two, he make his own rules, it’s been that way from day one of the campaign till now. The media Thought/PC police don’t know what to do anymore, the old gotcha tricks of old, that plagued the Republicans of yesteryear no longer works with Trump. So now the media flames the fires of Trump hatred, perhaps they hope someone might like to impress Madonna, Rosie, Ashly, or The View “ladies”, like John Hinckley did to impress Jody Foster. Let’s pray not!

    Until we see wholesale arrests, and imprisonment of The Deep State leakers. Trump will be our Sisyphus. Never getting us over the hump. Let’s hope the Ephialtes in our midst don’t get the boulder to roll over our President, and nation!

    • Gail Sheppard says


      I keep thinking of Sodom. We only need 10 good men. I can think of 10 just on this list.

      • Or one good woman, Gail. I remember, my Grandmother always repeating. O Theos mas Xechasea! Our Lord has forgotten us! That was thirty years ago. Now she would be building a concrete shelter surrounded by icons, and crosses.

  4. Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) says

    No one ever proposed lynching President Obama, right?

    • Will Harington says

      Oh, sure. But were they government employees? Someone always suggests assasinating a president. Someone in the government suggesting it is a whole different kettle of fish.

  5. George, this is one of your 10 best ever articles! I served 25 years as a U.S.Marine & was sever6ely wounded serving in RVN. If the Democrats aided by the Deep Stater’s, or vice-vert-er, assassinate Present Trump I will again pick up my rifle in order to re-instate the Constitution. Again, thank you for you thoughts herein. Many years to you. Sensors up, watch your back.

    • George Michalopulos says

      Quint, I’m honored beyond words that you–a true warrior–thinks highly of this essay.

      God bless you and thank you for your service to our country.

    • M. Stankovich says

      Rather you would drop the cowboy posturing and pick up the humility of her who is the beginning of our salvation: Υπεραγία Θεοτόκε Σώσον Ημάς!

      • Gail Sheppard says


        You know I love you, but that was unkind. Sometimes great moral conviction leads to her who is the beginning of salvation. What kind of stewards would we be if we discouraged that?

        • M. Stankovich says

          There was a time on this site, Gail, when Orthodox Christians greeted one another in the joy of the Feasts of the Church. My “unkindness” was perhaps a too subtle attempt to acknowledge the unacknowledged day of these comments, the Feast of the Falling Asleep of the Mother of God. It had occurred to me that perhaps the insensitivity of the writer – cowboy illusions of picking up the rifle to re-instate the constitution (Oorah) when around the world, Orthodox Christians where picking up the epitaphion of the Theotokos – should be addressed. In effect, I believe that great love for the Mother of our Creator, for her who is the embodiment of the perfection and joy of women and mothers, and the model for simple humility and obedience, should ultimately lead to great moral conviction. The Apostles were drawn from from the ends of the earth to bury her body, Gail, and even cowboys take a knee before her over whom all of creation rejoices. Most holy Thetokos, save us!

        • Bonhoeffer says

          Speaking of moral conviction

          What the counter-protesters Trump despises were actually doing in Charlottesville last weekend.

          By Dahlia Lithwick
          (Dahlia Lithwick writes about the courts and the law for Slate, and hosts the podcast Amicus.)

          White nationalists, neo-Nazis and members of the “alt-right” clash with counter-protesters as they enter Emancipation Park on Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia.

          On Tuesday, after a weekend that included a white supremacist mowing down and killing a peaceful counter-protester in Charlottesville and Nazis marching on the University of Virginia with torches, the president of the United States stood in front of the American people and said, “What about the ‘alt-left’ that came charging at, as you say, the ‘alt-right’? Let me ask you this: What about the fact they came charging—that they came charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs? Do they have any problem? I think they do.”
          There were, as it turns out, a great number of Charlottesville locals present to witness the violence and lawlessness on display in this town—my town—last weekend. I asked local witnesses, many in the faith community, every one of whom was on the streets of Charlottesville on Saturday, whether there was a violent, club-wielding mob threatening the good people on team Nazi. Here’s what I heard back:

          Brandy Daniels
          Postdoctoral fellow at the Luce Project on Religion and Its Publics at UVA

          It was basically impossible to miss the antifa for the group of us who were on the steps of Emancipation Park in an effort to block the Nazis and alt-righters from entering. Soon after we got to the steps and linked arms, a group of white supremacists—I’m guessing somewhere between 20-45 of them—came up with their shields and batons and bats and shoved through us. We tried not to break the line, but they got through some of us—it was terrifying, to say the least—shoving forcefully with their shields and knocking a few folks over. We strengthened our resolve and committed to not break the line again. Some of the anarchists and anti-fascist folks came up to us and asked why we let them through and asked what they could do to help. Rev. Osagyefo Sekou talked with them for a bit, explaining what we were doing and our stance and asking them to not provoke the Nazis. They agreed quickly and stood right in front of us, offering their help and protection.

          Less than 10 minutes later, a much larger group of the Nazi alt-righters come barreling up. My memory is again murky on the details. (I was frankly focused on not bolting from the scene and/or not soiling myself—I know hyperbole is common in recounting stories like these, but I was legitimately very worried for my well-being and safety, so I was trying to remember the training I had acquired as well as, for resolve, to remember why I was standing there.) But it had to have been at least 100 of them this go around. I recall feeling like I was going to pass out and was thankful that I was locked arms with folks so that I wouldn’t fall to the ground before getting beaten. I knew that the five anarchists and antifa in front of us and the 20 or so of us were no match for the 100-plus of them, but at this point I wasn’t letting go.

          “Cornel West said that he felt that the antifa saved his life. I didn’t roll my eyes at that statement or see it as an exaggeration.”

          Brandy Daniels
          At that point, more of the anarchists and antifa milling nearby saw the huge mob of the Nazis approach and stepped in. They were about 200-300 feet away from us and stepped between us (the clergy and faith leaders) and the Nazis. This enraged the Nazis, who indeed quickly responded violently. At this point, Sekou made a call that it was unsafe—it had gotten very violent very fast—and told us to disperse quickly.

          While one obviously can’t objectively say what a kind of alternate reality or “sliding doors”–type situation would have been, one can hypothesize or theorize. Based on what was happening all around, the looks on their faces, the sheer number of them, and the weapons they were wielding, my hypothesis or theory is that had the antifa not stepped in, those of us standing on the steps would definitely have been injured, very likely gravely so. On Democracy Now, Cornel West, who was also in the line with us, said that he felt that the antifa saved his life. I didn’t roll my eyes at that statement or see it as an exaggeration—I saw it as a very reasonable hypothesis based on the facts we had.

          Rabbi Rachel Schmelkin
          Congregation Beth Israel

          There was a group of antifa defending First United Methodist Church right outside in their parking lot, and at one point the white supremacists came by and antifa chased them off with sticks.

          Rebekah Menning
          Charlottesville resident

          I stood with a group of interfaith clergy and other people of faith in a nonviolent direct action meant to keep the white nationalists from entering the park to their hate rally. We had far fewer people holding the line than we had hoped for, and frankly, it wasn’t enough. No police officers in sight (that I could see from where I stood), and we were prepared to be beaten to a bloody pulp to show that while the state permitted white nationalists to rally in hate, in the many names of God, we did not. But we didn’t have to because the anarchists and anti-fascists got to them before they could get to us. I’ve never felt more grateful and more ashamed at the same time. The antifa were like angels to me in that moment.

          Mary Esselman

          My 13-year-old son and I stood by ourselves on the corner down the street from the synagogue, in front of the Catholic Church, trying to walk back home but interrupted by a stream of white extremist marchers, with their signs and firearms and crazy regalia. I felt like an idiot but tried to look each in the eye and said, “Peace,” and “Peace be with you,” with as much sincerity as I had in me, trying to reach some humanity in them, and they jeered and mocked me, called me what you might imagine, told my son, Luke, that his mom was a this and a that. And now I learn that my son and labradoodle and I, and our little “peace be with you”s are apparently “alt-left.”

          Our path home was blocked by them, and we had no choice but to face them. Just us alone on that street corner, and all of them menacing, streaming past us on their way to the rally. Later, when we were a block away from where everyone was clashing and considering going to the front steps of the public library, there was a big line of white supremacists, the leader wearing some kind of yellow spiked helmet, and as they tromped toward the rally, these lovely older women standing beside us wearing sky blue T-shirts that said “Quaker” kind of trotted alongside them gently, holding signs that said “Love.” Alt-left for sure. I was armed with my iPhone and my dog’s leash. Luke was armed with his acne and hormones.

          Rev. Seth Wispelwey
          Directing minister of Restoration Village Arts and consulting organizer for Congregate C’ville

          I am a pastor in Charlottesville, and antifa saved my life twice on Saturday. Indeed, they saved many lives from psychological and physical violence—I believe the body count could have been much worse, as hard as that is to believe. Thankfully, we had robust community defense standing up to white supremacist violence this past weekend. Incredibly brave students held space at the University of Virginia and stared down a torch-lit mob that vastly outnumbered them on Friday night. On Saturday, battalions of anti-fascist protesters came together on my city’s streets to thwart the tide of men carrying weapons, shields, and Trump flags and sporting MAGA hats and Hitler salutes and waving Nazi flags and the pro-slavery “stars and bars.”

          “They have their tools, and they are not ones I will personally use, but our purposes were the same: block this violent tide.”
          Rev. Seth Wispelwey
          Out of my faith calling, I feel led to pursue disciplined, nonviolent direct action and witness. I helped lead a group of clergy who were trained and committed to the same work: to hold space on the frontline of the park where the rally was to be held. And then some of us tried to take the steps to one of the entrances. God is not OK with white supremacy, and God is on the side of all those it tries to dehumanize. We feel a responsibility to visibly, bodily show our solidarity with the oppressed and marginalized.

          A phalanx of neo-Nazis shoved right through our human wall with 3-foot-wide wooden shields, screaming and spitting homophobic slurs and obscenities at us. It was then that antifa stepped in to thwart them. They have their tools to achieve their purposes, and they are not ones I will personally use, but let me stress that our purposes were the same: block this violent tide and do not let it take the pedestal.

          The white supremacists did not blink at violently plowing right through clergy, all of us dressed in full clerical garb. White supremacy is violence. I didn’t see any racial justice protesters with weapons; as for antifa, anything they brought I would only categorize as community defense tools and nothing more. Pretty much everyone I talk to agrees—including most clergy. My strong stance is that the weapon is and was white supremacy, and the white supremacists intentionally brought weapons to instigate violence.

          © The Slate Group

          • George Michalopulos says

            I’m not praising the neo-nazis. Some of them were armed and spoiling for a fight. Know what? Trump condemned them by name. But they had permits. Antifa didn’t. And they too were spoiling for a fight.

            Go back and look at the videos and the actual reporting at the scene. One of the NYT reporters pointed out the violence on both sides but she was forced to recant her reportage when it didn’t fit the leftist narrative. Just because you believe in St Antifa doesn’t mean that these people aren’t vile creeps intent on mayhem.

            • This is what happens when two large group of stupid are put together. Yes some there, came to peacefully protest either the Neo Nazi/WS, and some there who were not racist, but believe that Confederate statues should remain. A few points:

              1. During Obama’s and Clinton’s term why no attempt to bring down the Confederate statues? Why no tears by MSM panelist?

              2. At least 50% of Islam believes Sharia Law should be applied to all countries, yet this form of hate and discrimination is hush hush with MSM, most Demoncrats, and was not frown upon by Obama.

              3. Neo Nazi/WS groups are a grain of sand compared to Islam, yet MSM is not interested in reporting the largest threat to America since the Cuban crissis, instead 90% of their focus is fake Russian/Trump news, and now of course racism and statues.

              4. Calls for Impeachment, for what exactly? Perhaps, behaving in a insensitive manner not to the liking of…….

              5. Statues a slippery slope? NAWWW, Oh wait, Al Sharpton already calling for our government to defund the Jefferson Memorial!

              6. Nobody in our Government really wants Trump dead! NO! Must have been a manifest slip up. Right!? Senator Maria Chappelle- Nadal. Of course we won’t count murmurs from media and Hollywierds, wink wink. Long time since an actor…right Johnny?

              7. Jews killed by Neo Nazis minimal, Jews killed by Peaceful Islam, not so minimal.

              8. Europe reaping the blind love for Islam, Leftist blind to the fact our borders are next, for something big.

              9. Leftist see no repercussions in eliminating Trump. Leftist will be surprised what they will receive, and not in a violent fashion, a political one. As in NO VOTES!

              We live in the richest country in the history of the world, with so much to offer it’s citizens. Yet we allow such small minorities to tear us apart, brainwash our children, and throw away our wealth, with the help of MSM, corrupt politicians, lobbyist, and hate groups. Whatever happens to Trump, at least America has awoken from their slumber, and hopefully will get off their asses and vote for once, and remove corrupt Senators. Their pocketbooks, way of life and lives are finally on the line.

          • Anonymouse says

            Calling the Southern Cross “the Stars and Bars”?

    • Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) says

      What is “Quint H.’s” real name? Or doesn’t he want his service record verified?

  6. !

  7. Unraveling the overwhelming rats nest of lies from almost every news source is nearly an impossible task. Trust no one seems the most logical action, which renders righteousness impotent to act with wisdom with all the facts considered, along with the consequences. But, although collectively they are Satan’s house divided against itself, they do inject a few truthful facts in their contentions. It’s a ball of string, I do not care to attempt to unravel. That being said, I offer a truthful fact which carries immense implications to authentic Christianity. They will not be able to buy or sell unless they have received the mark of the beast. This system is now the reality for 1.3 billion Indians( Asian). This is the first major country to legislate and enact the move to a totally cashless monetary system. It is reasonable to assume this high tech improvement will be touted and spread to as many pagan and atheist religion dominated countries and as fast as they can do it. SDR’S (cashless) look like they will assume the role of World Reserve Currency, and enact a massive transference of wealth from the people to the banks in the process. Crete’s banks confiscated 90% of it’s accounts worth and just took it away from the people who owned the accounts. We will see more of this when the petro dollar falls. Never let a good crisis go to waste, the scary clown antichrist sure won’t. He will have power over gold and silver and the precious things of Egypt, what ever they are? In you life time, heads up!

  8. Sbdcn Josef says

    We’re seeing an increase and frequency of events (and access to an awareness of such events in the form of mobile devices) calculated to track and provoke infighting, violence, and further decay.

    The purpose of these provocations is to unsettle and drive citizens and their overseers further into, ultimately, the hands of Antichrist.

    Trump knowingly or unknowingly deepens this purpose. It cannot be successfully argued otherwise.

  9. Terry Myles says

    Thought this was at one point an Orthodox Christian site – oops!

    • Terry

      George’s mixture of religious news reporting to political news is off right now because he is especially passionate about some Trump issues right now

      George, your Monomakos salad needs more religious news lettuce. We’re swamped in political ranch dressing righr now. Just add more lertuce, please

      Maybe on symphonia? Thats kind of a compromise, at least.

      Thanks and keep writing

      • George Michalopulos says

        I’m gonna clear out some time this weekend to do just that. I’m off and I hope to have something significant on govt by late next week.

        Here’s what’s coming down the pipeline: I’m fixing to publish my thoughts on Charlottesville this weekend and early next week something significant about Amsterdam. I haven’t forgotten about Orthodoxy at all. Things are quiet for now on the GOA-Chicago front. There’ll be something Orthodox-related soon enough.

        I appreciate your patience.

        • Thanks George

          Has anyone heard anything new regarding the Greek college/seminary? They recently sent a communication to a family member of mine, trying to gain students

      • Terry Myles says

        Following Christ and believing in any politician are very different streams and dangerous..

  10. Bonhoeffer says

    OK, I’ll type real slow so you can understand it.

    That’s kind of you. Thanks, George.

    1. BLM is a black supremacist group by definition. They get real mad when somebody says “All Lives Matter”.

    Bozo, BLM is mostly about getting cops to reduce the extra-judicial killing of so many young black men. In 2015, for example, 1,134.

    2. The Nation of Islam is a black separatist AND supremacist group that believes that whites are “blue-eyed devils” who were genetically engineered on the island of Patmos six thousand years ago by an evil scientist named Yakub.

    Though sorely tempted to reply to that with the eloquence it deserves, I’ll charitably refrain.

    3. Antifa believes that they have the right to kill people who don’t agree with them (because they’re “Nazis”) and have destroyed countless of storefronts, buildings (UCLA Berkeley) and regularly pelt police with bags of urine.

    Way too stupid to be worth further comment.

    Tell me, do you agree with this statement: “What do we want? Dead Cops!” or “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon!”?

    I do not.

    A simple yes or no to the last question would be sufficient.

    You got it, Vanity Pundit.

    • George Michalopulos says

      Except for the last question, you lapsed into sophistry. One cannot advocate or excuse black, mestizo or Jewish (i.e. Zionist) separatism/supremacy while condemning white separatism/supremacy.

      Indeed if one does then he is also by definition a black supremacist (even if he is not himself black or mestizo or Jewish).

      • Nate Trost says

        George Michalopulos is entirely incorrect when he asserts that Black Lives Matter is a ‘black supremacist’ group. Now, actual white supremacist and white nationalist groups tirelessly propagandize that Black Lives Matter is like them. But that does not make it so. Even more than usual, one should treat George Michalopulos with extreme skepticism in these matters. Listening to Mr. Michalopulos opine on BLM is kind of like say, listening to Calvinist pastors rant about Hank Hanegraaf and the Orthodox Church: amusing, inaccurate, inept, and ultimately kind of pathetic.

        • Bonnie and Nate,

          “The revolution will be complete when the language is perfect.”
          “The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth”
          George Orwell-

          Boys ask yourself who has the real power, The KKK/WS white trash, or the MSM who showcase them to promote their form of racism? The KKK/WS or our education system who silence opposition to their world views? The KKK/WS or the socially accepted BLM, even by the Democrats, Clinton, and inviting former President? The KKK/WS, or progressive leftist/Soros types who continue to sponsor reversing the traditions that made our nation great, and like no other?

          The slippery slope lasted all but a day, from Confederate Statues to our Founding Fathers. Next is The Constitution. After all is was written by flawed, hateful, racist people. How can a nation be righteous, when begotten from such Fathers? Orwell was probably off by half a century.

  11. Michael Bauman says

    Not-Bonhoffer. The 14 point guide is nonesense good for nothing but smearing one’s ideological enemies. It provides nothing of substance to discern anything of value. It could quite literally apply to every single government and most other human organizations in history including both the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church as well without foundation or meaning.
    Where it would be helpful is addressing homeowners associations. Describes them to a T. Otherwise it is just another piece of ideological manure. Surely you are more intelligent than that.

    • George Michalopulos says

      Mike, you may be wrong on that last point. After watching the Antifa people go berserk in the streets and the Corporate Media twist themselves into pretzels while they argue that we shouldn’t have free speech, I’m not so sure that stupidity hasn’t taken complete hold over the left.