Milos Konjevic: Memory Eternal

As many of you who have followed this blog know, I am a member of the Diocese of the South of the OCA. In the past, I have waxed poetic about the Venerable Dmitri Royster, the founder of our Diocese, who was one of the premier evangelists for American Orthodoxy (the other one being Bishop Basil Essey of Wichita, who thankfully, is still with us).

From time to time, in relating his story, I mentioned a certain Milos Konjevic, who in my opinion is almost as vital a part of the story as was Dmitri. Milos was from Chicago who moved to Dallas about thirty or so years ago. It was during the Savings and Loan debacle and it was his job to straighten out that mess. A devoted Orthodox Christian, he joined the Cathedral of St Seraphim and eventually became a devoted friend of Bishop Dmitri and then the Treasurer of our Diocese.

It was Milos who helped turbocharge its growth. He was more than a treasurer, however; he was Dmitri’s aide-de-camp, traveling companion and trusted advisor. Together he and the late Archbishop logged hundreds of thousands of miles traveling the entire South meeting with people, setting up missions, putting out fires and keeping an eye on things.

I’ve often viewed Dmitri and Milos as a sort of a modern-day Orthodox Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, and they were not without a sense of humor. Still, unlike Cervantes’ immortal duo, they knew what they were doing. Not that they didn’t have fun. With his trademark cowboy hat and boots, some of us took to calling Milos “The Serbian Kid”. He had a gruff, Chicago accent that complemented his linebacker’s physique and a smile that went along with the twinkle in his eye.

But when it came to setting up missions, Milos was no-nonsense. If Dmitri emulated St Paul in being a tentmaker, willing to answer any and all a Macedonian Call, Milos was the guy with the green eyeshades who made sure that there was money for the tent. In time, Milos set up a successful financing regime that was able to fund new missions. Don’t ask me how he did it but with his training as an accountant, he figured it out.

It was not unknown for Milos to drive several hours on his own to visit a newly-established church just to drop by, unannounced, to see how things were going. He didn’t rely only on reports, he was a really hands-on kind of guy. I can remember at least a few times when I would go early to church, go to the pangari for my candle and see Milos already standing in the Nave, participating in the liturgy.

And it showed. When the Diocese of the South was created in 1978, there were barely a dozen churches and missions. Thanks to Milos and his willingness to travel to and fro, the South exploded: today there are over seventy churches and missions.

Milos often told us that they derived a lot of their strength to travel the many hours necessary by imbibing Dmitri’s famous coffee, called “Bishop’s Blend”. (Lemme tell you, it’d put hair on your chest.) He said that to get an extra “kick” out of it, they’d take Snickers [Editor Note:  NOT M&Ms as previously reported!!!] along with them and ingest those at right about the time that coffee was starting to wear off.

And now, Milos is with our beloved Vladika, drinking a more heavenly blend of coffee, I suspect.

Memory eternal, Milos; we couldn’t have done it without you.

About GShep


  1. Solitary Priest says

    Memory Eternal!

    • Memory Eternal.  I have many fond memories of long talks with Milos.  He is sorely missed.

    • George thank u for this man…Eternal rest..  It’s like balm after what we have to read and reflect on and get angry about with the GOA and its…….!   ha, where do we start!?   We all need to keep focused on these people to give us uplift. 
      Sadly, although personally seems ok, as far as appearance, but seems Nikitas in Uk will be an etho- hierarch with ethno coming before hierarch. 

  2. Memory Eternal!
    I met Milos once a few years ago when I was in Dallas for work and was able to worship at the wonderful St Seraphim cathedral.

    Warm, gracious, loving – he represents what everyone who was born into the faith was meant to do with it here in America — to work tirelessly to evangelize this land!
    Вечная Память!

  3. Greatly Saddened says

    May he rest in peace and may his memory be eternal. These are the type of people who are so sorely needed and are true to our Holy Orthodox faith. God bless him.

  4. Peter Konjevich says

    What wonderful comments about my brother Milosh. I am so proud of his work with the OCinA. I am 10 years his senior and when he was a young farm boy in Channahon, IL, I could see things in him that would enable his success in his career and, in fact, any endeavor he put his mind to. God has blessed Milosh. May he rest in peace.

    Peter Konjevich

  5. Michael Bauman says

    Mr. Konjevich, I did not know your brother at all, but this story has put him on my hero’s list of people I cherish in my heart. May God, assuage your grief by His mercy.